What you didn't know about Dihydrogen Monoxide, and why it's probably in your home.
There are many things we already knew about Dihydrogen Monoxide;
Dihydrogen Monoxide is found in all mass-produced bottled water.
Dihydrogen Monoxide is found in every public school lunchroom since Obama's presidency by order of Michelle Obama.
Dihydrogen Monoxide has been known to be deadly, accounting for 3,536 deaths per year through accidental inhalation.
What you didn't know:
Recent studies revealed that in every single case this chemical was found in the childhood home of self-reported homosexuals. Using controlled groups of no less than a thousand homosexuals, childhood homes tested positive for this dangerous chemical, often found within the pipes, though in rare cases there was also build up in the insulation.
So why?
The FDA actually mandates that a certain percentage of all commercially bottled water contains Dihydrogen Monoxide.
The EPA mandates that all public tap water contain both Flouride and Dihydrogen Monoxide in certain percentages.
The furthest back I can trace these regulations is to the Obama Era, when Former President Barack Obama completely overhauled the EPA with a regulation referred to as the "Clean Water Act."
So then why do we have so many Homosexuals who were Homosexual before his Presidency?
That's what I wanted to know.
In my research, I found that Dihydrogen Monoxide, like Radon (the gas heavily linked to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), is naturally occurring.
Like Radon, the chemical leaches up through the ground, according to pressure. In some places in these United States, you can find deep wells of naturally occurring Dihydrogen Monoxide. Often, in these areas, you will also find facilities, hidden from view by brush, trees, and chain link fences, where they pump out the chemical and refine it.
This means that in many places in the US, the chemical is often found within the water table. Within rivers and streams.
But why does it cause homosexuality in some, and not in others?
Yes, you can have a situation in which one child develops homosexuality, and a sibling does not. This is actually very common.
The furthest we can tell is that some children have a genetic predisposition, and through regular exposure to Dihydrogen Monoxide, the chemical seeps into the brain. This is where the structure of the sexually dimorphic center that causes sexual attraction develops differently. A young boy, with a genetic predisposition, regularly exposed to DHMO, will often develop over time and through puberty the sexually dimorphic attraction center that is typically seen in Heterosexual girls. Thus, causing him to be cognitively and physiologically attracted to men in the same way Heterosexual girls are.
There is no viable cure.
In order to restructure this area of the brain, highly invasive brain surgery would be required. The risks of this surgery include Lobotomization, brain damage, and potentially death.
No matter how you spin it, this is obviously a blatant attempt from the highest branches to influence the population.
So now that you know, what will you do?