My little brother saw an African Love Bird at one of my softball tournaments in Maryland and decided right there and then that he wanted a pet bird. He began to do some research on Lovebirds and my parents finally caved and said he could get one. So our family got a tiny bit bigger and we ended up with a small cute bird named Janus.
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At first I was terrified of this tiny little bird. He would crawl all over me and fly towards me and for some reason it scared me to death! Eventually I got over my little fear and was really excited to have this bird be a part of our family. It’s so cute how he likes to climb into shirts and just sit there all warm and happy and how he likes to sit with you and fall asleep on your shoulder. Now, I can’t stand the monster. He bites me constantly, poops all over me, and chirps extremely loudly in my ear. He’s so tiny and when he flies off his perch it takes forever to find him. He makes a mess of everything, spilling water and food all over his cage and all over the floor, and every time I walk past his cage I step on something gross! He bites my phone, my laptop, bracelets, earrings, and basically anything that he can get near. He is afraid of everything so going close to him with something new will freak him out and he’ll go bezerk!
When I returned from college Janus was actually really nice to me, I figured he missed me. Well, that lasted a solid two minutes. He went right back to his old self, biting me and pooping on everything I own. I can’t stand Janus and sadly the life span of African Love Birds is 15 to 20 years, so I’ll be dealing with this annoying monster for quite a long time. I love Janus and all (only because he’s a part of our family and my brother loves him) but NEVER will I EVER get another pet bird. Sadly, my month of being home will end soon and I will miss all my friends and family, but I’m also extremely excited because I won’t have to deal with this devil of a bird for a little while.