Enough! I have had it with the stress and anxiety of finals! Another de-stressing list about how to cope with this time of year. As a fellow student I know the pains of papers, exams, experiments, journals, logs, scrapbooks, yada, yada, yada. All of the ways in which professors seem to cause the worst kind of stress all at the same time. However, using the power of my own experience, I will try to help you out. These are the 12 ways I destress around this time of the year.
1. Altered Breathing Techniques
I hate when people tell me to take deep breaths. It is so cliche! However, I have started a different way fo breathing in and out that has completely changed my mindset on situations that are difficult to deal with. When breathing to try to always inhale more than you exhale. For example inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 2, inhale for 4 seconds, exhale for 1, inhale for 5, exhale for 4. Do this until you feel as if you are full lung capacity and then exhale everything.
2. Jazz
Believe it ior not music does soothe the soul depending on what kind it is. I love my fair share of rock or hip hop but when jazz always seems to hit the stop. I groove to the music and try to imagine myself playing the instrument. Although I cannot fall asleep to Jazz, I sure can focus and relax myself while listening to Duke Ellington.
3. Sleep
A quick 45 minute nap is sometimes the best medicine. But a quick 4 hour nap is the bane of my existence. Set an alarm for 30-45 minutes out and leave your phone across the room. When awaken you are forced to travel across the room and after a minute of grogginess, you will feel rejuvenated.
4. A Call
Call someone. For real. Vent for a bit. They have been with you through thick and thin and they are willing to listen, I would hope anyway. The "talking cure" is a real thing and if you could release some of the built up frustration due to finals I guarantee you will feel better.
5. Laundry (I Promise)
I dislike laundry. More than I probably dislike finals! However I fight fire with fire and for some reason listening to music while folding clothes takes my mind somewhere else. I groove to the music, day dream about what if stories, and sometimes even forget that I am actually doing laundry!
6. Talk with Friends
Get together for a drink or some food for a little. Although time is of the essence, you need to remember that your sanity is much more important that these final papers.
7. Exercise
DROP DOWN AND GIVE MYSELF 20! Jump around for a bit! Dance, workout, take a run, do something that will get your mind off of everything and hone in on yourself for a little while. When you comeback to whatever obstacle is in the way it be much easier due to your relaxed state.
8. Take a Shower
Ease off all the pressure of classes with a long shower or bath. Treat yourself for awhile and be clean! When you finally emerge from the amazing cleanse, your body will be in full motion to do whatever you want to do!
9. Watch a Movie
Although this one may be a personal favorite, I think watching a movie is the best stress relief activity. I immerse myself in the world of the film and forget about everything. Try to connect with the characters, get in touch with the setting, rewind a quote or speech you thought was mesmerizing or confusing and understand it! Wow, my inner movie buff came out there, I apologize!
10. Email the Professor
Whatever class, whatever the situation, give the professor a quick email regarding your current level of completeness. If you are worried, say that. If you are stressed, explain why. If you have not started the paper, ask for advice. They are there for you and if you do not you will never get out fo the procrastination period!
11. Be Nervous
The state of being nervous is amazing. It combines a ton of different emotions into one mindset. Everything could go wrong, you may fail, but you need to remember that the reason you are having these feelings is because you care. You care about your grade or what the professor will think of you. Use this nervosity to power through whatever is in front of you.
12. Make a List
Well you made it this far. Thank you for helping me de-stress. By making this I have figured out how I get over my anxiety. I hope one if not all of these actions can and will help you with finals.