I really hate to complain but what is wrong with people in their twenties? Twenty-something’s have become professionals in degrading themselves, objectifying everything, and isolation. Disclaimer, I am guilty of all of the following.
I scroll through twitter and Instagram and Facebook and either see pictures couples with the caption “relationship goals” complaints about school and money, and sexualizing everything. I can’t even think of watching Netflix anymore without the term Netflix and Chill popping into my mind. Honestly pathetic, no one is going to want to “Netflix and Chill” with me when I’m watching Planet Earth and The Killing, and honestly if you are going to try and distract me from my favorite form of laziness good luck! Also this hooking up culture, I don’t know how many of my girl friends get ridiculously dressed up with the sole object of having some drunk make out session with an equally drunk and grimy guy. Guys same thing goes for you, what kind of people are we becoming if we value ourselves by the hotness of our drunk make out partners?
The relationships we choose to form with other people are reflections of ourselves, particularly the romantic relationships we choose to pursue. This brings me to my next point, the undefined relationship. What in the world is an undefined relationship? How do you go about being involved with another person, investing time, and apparently valuable Netflix time, and disregard any emotional attachment. Why would we as people be okay with another person abusing our bodies? Why should we torture ourselves through a trial period of committed “talking” to then be told that we are just not what the other person is looking for, that they aren’t ready for a relationship, or some other bullshit. Wouldn’t a first date solve weeks and months of emotional turmoil? No dates are strictly reserved for couples that have been recognized as facebook official, because dates require pictures to see how many people approve of your outfit, venue of choice, and significant other. How are we supposed to mature and select proper partners for ourselves if the idea of love is based around how frequently your significant other texts back or posts about us online, and unemotional, meaningless, casual sex? How can we value ourselves when we attempt to degrade another’s self worth via sexualization to fit what the media deems as optimal?
We claim to all have standards for the perfect significant other: she will be skinny, but not too skinny, more like a flat stomach, big boobs, long hair, and a fat ass, and he will be tall, and fit, meaning he has 6-pack abs and biceps popping out of his sleeves, perfectly styled hair and perfect smile. Don’t forget about fashion sense, its extremely important that girls dress cute, wear make up but not too much, and do their hair, but they should look natural and comfortable. Guys need to dress with swagger; they should balance the preppy frat boy look, with the new hipster style effortlessly.
God forbid we ever start to genuinely care about another person, especially romantically, and if we do the only way to confirm that our affection is reciprocated is through sex. Because having an intimate experience with another person who we don’t know truly cares about us always solves our problems, Right.. Just remember, when you feel overwhelmed and you need to talk about your problems, do not reach out to the one your talking to, because you might sound crazy, or too attached and freak them out and they will run. Make sure to internalize everything and appear strong and put together always, then someone will be attracted to you.
Next, college academics. What in the world is wrong with people and school? Why is it that if you don’t have a 4.0 GPA you’re automatically failing and wasting your life? I forgot that I am supposed to be good and science, history, math, English, marketing, philosophy, art, and be able to maintain my sanity. I’m a natural science and math major and minor and I do not have a 4.0. I probably would have done better in school as an education major or as sociology major because I am “good” working with children and people, but I am totally uninterested in either subject. So because I choose to study a field I find fascinating and I am not a perfect student I am doomed to fail. Wrong! I don’t know how many times I hear people saying, “Oh I’m only majoring in this because its going to get me a good job.” Well have fun at your good job doing something you don’t enjoy just so you can make money to afford your new range rover. Next time you complain about school make sure you realize exactly how fortunate you are to be studying at a university.
Finally, money. Did everyone in college forget that we are college students? Our full time job, is to sit around and think about things to better ourselves. I didn’t realize that in college I am supposed to be able to afford all the latest fashions and watches and shoes. I also didn’t know that I was supposed to be able to get by working minimally. I work two jobs and I volunteer at an after school program and I barely have enough money to pay for my utility bills, groceries, and splurge to get my nails done. If it wasn’t for my parents offering to pay my rent, I would be working a full time job along with being a full time student just to pay my cost of living. I hate wasting money. I work hard for my money. Im sure if mommy and daddy just refilled my bank account whenever I wanted I could have pretty clothes, a pretty car, and be able to spend all my time in the library studying, or at the bar drinking..
College culture has me fed up. I don’t care if you see me walking around in high heels or in sweats and a grungy t-shirt. I refuse to sexualize my body to attract someone, and then suffer through the agony of another undefined relationship. I am chasing the sun. I am sick of being content with the status quo.