What are your plans for this Halloween? To make it safe or make it mean. Let's try our best to make it clean because well...it's 2016.
Hello my lovelies! The season of scare is rising and fear is multiplying. Let's talk about the safety of the newly found "Freedom Halloween". We are all "grown" and on our own to make adult decisions. As young adults, we want to party hard and experiment in life. There is nothing holding us back, but that doesn't mean our safety should be ignored. Halloween is a dangerous night to "let loose" and "be free", so make sure your designated clique of that night is trustworthy. There should be a designated driver (or "mom") that keeps an eye on the group, or even be observant of others. Halloween is a night where everybody should be cared for.
According to Edgar Snyder & Associates, There are Halloween Stats and Facts that Adults with children and nest free adults should know.
Halloween Facts
Drinking and Driving- You may spend more money on legal fees and penalties
Injured Parties on your Property- You could be liable
Serving Alcohol at you Party- You may be responsible for any accidents caused by intoxicated minors
Halloween Stats
Twice as many children are killed on Halloween night than any other
77% of parents report feeling fearful for four reasons:
Children being hit by a car- 31%
Poisoning from tampered treats- 24%
Abductions- 15%
Falls- 4%
40% of parents allow one or more unsafe items in their child's costume
These are just a couple of facts about the terror of Halloween. Please take care of yourselves and each other.
On to the Topic of the week- The Definition of Friends
Over these last couple of months, I have been reminiscing over my time back home with my brothers. We did everything together; whether it was being hood rats, getting food, going to the mall, or just talking on the phone for hours upon hours. I honestly do not try to compare my college friends to my brothers back home, but it honestly is truly hard. I love my college friends, but we're still getting used to each other. I can admit that I have a tendency to be possessive, and have the mentality that a person can't have fun without me. It's honestly quite sad, but I just don't like to be left alone. My first encounter with true friendship (outside of my childhood friend) didn't occur until April of this year, so I am skeptical of everyone. I had people I communicated with, but no one who truly cared for me. I had people that I called my best friends, but it seemed that they only talked to me when they had problems. Please don't get me started on the name calling and back stabbing that always happened to me for trying to be a good friend.
I have a big heart, and I always put people's dreams or struggles before my own. I've never had good examples of what a good friend was or how they act. The friends I do have can't understand what I'm trying to communicate without them getting angry at me. It seems unfair that my friends only like doing stuff with certain people, but when it's with me they're suddenly to tired. Do I have to change myself to fit in? Do I have to bare my heart to the world for people to see how I'm feeling? The problem with people is that they hate to see the truth, so they get defensive whenever I point things out. They say I'm making imaginary scenes up or that I'm too busy to hang out, so I always get left behind in some way. I'm a woman who is overly emotional, and yes, I do make imaginary connections; at the end of the day, it's a part of my identity, and I won't change. You get what you get or you can leave.
Friends are people you can count on to be a shoulder or just to joke around. Friends always want to gossip or just to talk. When am I going to be rekindled with mine?