Hap·pi·ness • ˈhapēnəs/ • noun
- the state of being happy.
We all define happiness differently. Sure it has one definition but when asked to describe happiness in their own words, people had a plethora of definitions. Why is this? Well, we all experience happiness differently and it is our past experience that have led us to create our own definition of happiness.
Here is what happiness means to different people.
Happiness is...
"Being around people you love, eating around people you love, and doing what you are passionate about."
"The result of overcoming. Though it is associated with being carefree and easygoing, happiness represents strength and the power to either let go or accept things that don't make your heart smile."
"That feeling you get when you see someone you're close to for the first time in a few months."
"Happiness, to me, is living a meaningful life in both my work and personal life. Being proud of the work I do, being able to live comfortably, yet still have enough free-time to enjoy the wonders of the world with my family, friends and pets that I love most."
"The acceptance of all of the cards dealt to your hand as inevitable despite how shitty they may be."
"The feeling of positive emotions."
"When your heart beats in sync with your mind."
"When you're at peace with yourself."
"When everything starts to fall in place. It could be something simple like making all the green lights on your way to school or when a relationship or job finally seems to work itself out for the best. It when all you've always hoped for and worked for is right in front of you."
"An emotion that comes and goes. It's when you can't stop smiling and your heart feels so full. Happiness is also eating a giant crêpe."
"When you feel the sun on your skin."
"Happiness is sometimes felt in retrospection, when you can look back on a memory and catch yourself smiling."
"When you forget what it felt like when you were sad."
"Family love for one another."
"Happiness isn't a definition it is simply a way of life. We choose our happiness in everything that we do. Happiness comes from seeing an old friend. Happiness comes from kissing the one you love. Happiness comes from eating your favorite food. We choose to do things in life because they make us happy. Happiness is all around us and in everything we do. Happines is a choice but more importantly happiness is a way of life!"
"Only temporary."
"Happiness is when you are completely at peace and lack all anxiety and impatience."
"Seeing somebody you love smile."
"Thinking your alarm is about to go off, but rolling over and seeing you still have hours to sleep."
"Happiness is feeling completely content with the past, present, and future."
"Accepting everything in your life for what it is."
"Standing on top of a mountain and taking a big deep breath."
"Happiness is simple. It’s a journey, not a destination. (cheesy but true). Happiness is what makes getting out of bed every morning easier. It’s that feeling in your soul that makes life worth living. Happiness is a choice, it’s yours; no one can tell you how, when, or why to feel this feeling. But we all know it’s worth it, so why not."
"Being content."
"Freedom in every facet possible."
"Accomplishing something. Whether it's setting a small goal and sticking to it, or achieving something you never thought you could. Nothing drives happiness more than accomplishment."
What's your definition of happiness?