For better or worse, the Democratic Party as we know it has to die this election cycle. One can understand where some liberals come from when they do not want the Democratic Party to go socialist. Socialism is the first step towards communism. At the same time, conservative values are the first step towards fascism. The United States as a nation with a two party system can always lead to bad results, but as it currently stands, the Democratic Party that people once loved and followed will never win against the Republicans again.
Some may question that statement but think of how inconceivable this election cycle was. The Democrats had the money. They had the “most electable candidate ever.” The Republicans had a man running on 1950’s values. The difference is that Donald Trump ran an anti-establishment campaign. Hillary Clinton ran an establishment campaign. She lost and the reasons why are irrelevant. Once you lose to a reality television star, you have no right to speak.
James Comey and Russia are distractions. They did not lose the election. The DNC can point fingers in every direction, but four fingers always point back at them. Sometimes, one has to look in the mirror and accept their faults. The Democratic Party does not want you to see that the establishment is why they lost.
Donors no longer matter. The American Public showed the donors that they do not care what the donors want. The donors have to accept what the American public wants or go elsewhere. However, as we can clearly see from national media, the Democratic Party refuses to accept this.
The best example comes from two articles from the Washington Post. The race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination is now open and Why I left Elizabeth Warren off my 2020 presidential list (and why I was wrong). You’ll notice the author of the article only chooses candidates based on their donors and fundraising ability.
They suggest Barack Obama Lite and Hillary Clinton Lite. Kristen Gillibrand could pass for Hillary Clinton’s twin. Cory Booker is Obama with three times as many Wall Street ties. Granted, Barack Obama could have been a great president if he took stands and stopped trying to please donors.
If you do not want eight years of Donald Trump, you will write DNC officials and make it known that this is not acceptable. The Republicans will always win when money determines elections. The Republicans are masters of that game even when they have fewer donors because the Republicans that run are super rich. The Democrats will never win that game. Remember, Donald Trump will win again if an establishment candidate is chosen.
The Democratic Party has learned nothing from their loss. They lost to Donald Trump; they have no right to speak. Their mouths should be duck taped shut. Apologies to the Hillary Clinton supporters, but your time of defending Clintonism is done unless you want more Donald Trump. All the Clintonism followers lost that right when they allowed a greenhorn like Donald Trump to become president.
No more insulting the majority of Americans with statements like the deplorables. No more ignoring the middle class. No more donors. No more deals behind closed doors. Bernie Sanders raised plenty of money without corporatist donors. The American people are tired of weak, spineless, gutless Democrats. A candidate has to have the courage to stand for something even if his or her donors hate it.
The next Democrat better be willing to take a stand against corporate greed. Elizabeth Warren for better or worse is worth a shot. Democrats might be surprised how far they go without corporate donors holding them back.