We empaths feel things not everyone feels. We can pick up on vibes of the city we live in or the place where we work, or anywhere really.
I've always understood the days of the week by the way they feel, with a little added help from people around me.
So, without further ado, here we go!
There really is such a thing as having a “case of the Mondays.” Mondays feel heavy, but not as heavy as Sunday, brace yourself.
Mondays feel weighted, fast, optimistic and hurried. It’s that energy of everyone going out to earn a living and absorbing all their go get-it-ness.
This is an ideal day to exercise, although, it might be hard motivationally-speaking. Since the week tends to dwindle down, it's best to deal with the stress of the high peak soonest.
This day is a less intense version of Monday. I think half of what makes Tuesday so great, is that we are relieved that Monday is over!
This is kind of cruel, but sweet, because, Tuesday gives us a taste of freedom, but then Wednesday and Thursday are usually unpredictable. I.e. it’s only temporary.
It’s like, “Surprise! No wait! Awwwwww…."
Wednesday can be a toss-up. You’ve made it past halfway through the week, but this day has the potential to be either really amazing or just the opposite.
It often depends on circumstances around. I usually breeze past if circumstances aren't great and focus on the next day.
Thursday is usually good, because it is one day before Friday, which is really awesome.
However, I can say that sometimes, Thursday's have been my hardest days at work. Maybe it’s that people are getting antsy towards the weekend, but outside of work, this day is usually nice.
But, not as great as………..
This day deserves a “woo hoo!” It’s usually the last day of work and classes which means we can all breathe a little bit. The weight from the beginning of the week just kind of goes away.
We get paid on Friday's, so it is a great day to go shopping or go out and do something fun. Friday's rock!
Saturday is usually an extension of Friday. Saturday mornings are very relaxed and unhurried. We sleep in because we sense that everyone else is sleeping in. There’s less traffic, noise and it’s a perfect time to just savor.
But, then it can pick up quickly in the afternoon or evening as people go about doing different things. Empaths absorb the energy of business, but usually, that vibe has more to do with pleasure versus work. Either way, it's an energetic time!
And then we have Sunday. Sunday is harsh. There’s no two ways about it.
People are either doing serious things like going to church or being very docile. Sunday morning is about the last feeling of relief until the next weekend.
As the day progresses, it becomes more and more climactic. We know we have responsibilities to tend to tomorrow, we "sort of" forget them for a few days and now our mind is reminding us that we have to start all over again with a very loaded sigh that doesn’t get dropped off until Friday arrives again.
It's a good day to pray or check in with some sort of spirituality because we know that we will need it!