Some things will stick in your mind longer than others. Typically those things have a large impact on you or are something that emotionally changes you wether it be positively or negatively. These things can help or they can hurt, but when they hurt it hurts like hell. The day I saw my hero cry will always be something that sticks in my mind and it's one thing that helps.
A memory is a memory regardless if it is good or bad and this was something that was bad, but with a good outcome. The day I saw my hero cry turned my world upside down. I watched a person I look up to, who I believed could handle anything, have a tears swell up in their eyes. It broke my heart honestly. It broke it completely. To think that somebody who I viewed so highly could cry was something that caught me off guard and broke me. Growing up, I was always told to "Tough it out, you big baby," so I didn't cry. I viewed crying as a sign of weakness. Now, I realize that I could not have been more wrong.
Seeing somebody that meant so much to me cry showed me that vulnerability is inevitable and it's okay not to be okay all the time. Growing up, I always would play things off like I was okay and nothing was bothering me, almost as if it were a mask I would wear. Now, I know not to hid yourself or apologize for your feelings, I know to let yourself shine whether you are fine or not. Seeing somebody that I looked up to so much expose themselves made me discover that nobody really is perfect, no matter how badly you think they are.
The day I saw my hero cry was a day that changed me forever, so on that note, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for teaching me lessons that you never knew you could teach, and for being somebody that takes so much pride in who they are. Thank you for showing me strength and courage in times where I couldn't find it myself and thank you for being the light that guides me through the dark. The day I saw you cry I thought the world was ending but little did I know that it was only just beginning. Seeing your tears showed me that everything will be okay.
You were always the one that let me cry to them, and now it was my turn for you to cry to me. I saw you at a moment of weakness only to find out that you came back afterwards much stronger than i could have ever believed you being. Your tears were like a form of steroid, you only grew bigger and bigger after them. So thank you for showing me that vulnerability and emotions are okay and that even the best to falter sometimes. Not all heroes wear capes after all: some are your parents, best friend, RA, sister, brother, cousin, and students. Thank you for showing me that a hero can be a normal person.