This article is in memory of Beal Penington, my grandfather, whose life was taken tragically by Alzheimers Disease on November 21st, 2005.
Grandpa Snickle,
It's me, Adam. Today is a hard day... because today we remember. Today we remember your life, and the impact you left on those you loved. I want you to know that I don't just remember you on this day, but every day. I think about you all the time. In fact, a picture of us together currently holds its place as my cell phone's background picture.
I only had the privilege of knowing you for eight years, so most of what I do know has come from stories that I have heard, but here's what I do know...
You were taken too soon, grandpa. You were meant to watch me in my high school musical performances, vocal music concerts, band concerts, award ceremonies, and graduate high school. Unfortunately, your life was taken too soon because of a vicious and terrible disease we call Alzheimer's.
I remember everything about your last few months here with us. I remember grandma would take us to the nursing home to see you. Sometimes you were confused, and most of the time, you didn't remember our names, but to us, that didn't matter. Your smile and sense of humor made me forget the fact that your life had become overtaken by a terrible fate.
I want you to know that I have done some pretty cool things since you've left, which I'm sure you are well aware of. I've traveled, fell in love, made some friends, lost some friends, and just about everything in between.
I want to thank you, because I know you've looked out for me since you left, and I know you will continue to do so. Whenever I am in need of guidance, I ask you for help, because I know you are always ready to give it. Your guidance has helped me through many tough situations, and I think its really cool to have someone like you watching over me.
There are days when I wish you were still here, and I know that's selfish of me to ask, but its hard not having you here, especially during the holidays. Even though you will never see me graduate college, never see me graduate medical school, or watch me get married, I know that you will still be watching, because you, of all the people that will be attending these events, will have the best seat in the house. I miss you every day grandpa, and I know one day we will see each other again.
Until then....
Love always,