Letting go of things in life is not easy. However, its an action we seem to do every day. We let go of emotions, people, and sometimes harder things like a loved one who has passed away. It's scary as hell, but recently I have become content with the idea that some things are worth letting go.
I recently watched a video series my cousin did titled "Soul Sessions." In one of his talks titled "How to Release Trauma," he presented this idea of letting go of the things in our lives that no longer gives us sustenance or meaning. He acknowledged the fact that its hard to let go of the things that once gave us something to hold onto in the first place, but that it's when we truly release, that we open ourselves up to something even better than what was previously placed there.
This idea hit me like a big yellow school bus. I was once content with the idea of holding on because I was afraid to let go. I was comfortable because I had never truly recognized that the things I was holding onto were no longer giving me what their intended purpose was. As soon as I recognized this, I went into an immediate state of denial. I denied that this whole thing was happening, and that the people in my life and the emotions I was holding onto still had a purpose, but the truth is that they didn't. After many days of riding an emotional rollercoaster, I became okay with this idea of letting go.
As humans, its hard to let go of memories, not people. The person we once spent all of our days with and laughed with about everything has now become just another person. We remember who the person once was, but try to forget who they turned into. This happens all the time. We have a friend who we really connect with and share intimate details of our life story with, and then in the matter of a day, they turn into somebody that we used to know.
This is all apart of life, though, and its a really fantastic and beautiful thing if you truly take the time to look at it. We are in a constant state of meeting new people who serve an intended purpose in our lives, and sometimes they are meant to stay forever, and sometimes they are only meant to stay for a short time. Each person we encounter in this life is meant to teach us something along our way. Sometimes we learn through hardships with these people, and sometimes they give us a huge wake up call and end up staying in our lives for a longer time. You don't meet people by sheer coincidence, and I am a huge believer in this.
I believe that everyone we meet, no matter where they come from, has a purpose. This purpose may be small, it may be big.
Take a look around you and start acknowledging the fact that the people in your life today may not be there tomorrow. Enjoy their presence, let them do their intended purpose, and then when its time for them to be let go, do it. Then, watch as God brings someone else into your life that is much better and teaches you more than what the previous person did. It's a truly amazing aspect of life, and it's one that I think we all need to honor and recognize, because once you observe this happening in your life, great things begin to happen!