There are hundreds of drugs that exist in the world, but there is nothing quite like the high of dancing. Feet sweeping across the floor, air twirling around the body, blood rushing through every vein and the rhythm of the heart that races to the beat of the sounds. For a moment, there is nothing between you and becoming one with the sounds as slowly, it begins to take control of the body.
Dancing is so many things: it's a story, it's a drug, it's an art, it's therapy. It is anything and everything to those who welcome it into their lives. Finding solace in the sweeping movements of a lyrical combination when you've just had your heartbroken. Fighting the rage you feel in a hard punch of hip-hop. Throwing on a pair of high heels and strutting around until you feel as sexy as you possibly can and imagining yourself as Beyonce. The self-perceptions that you can extract through dance are endless depending on the style of dance that you connect to in the moment.
Dance is letting your heart break a thousand times over with tears stream down your face in the middle of a pirouette until you stop. You collapse to the ground sobbing and recoil. And all of these emotions have been exhausted. You can now allow yourself to heal from the physical and emotional exhaustion that heartbreak causes because dancing feeds off emotion and you have given that dance all the feelings you can feel.
Dance is letting all the stress, anger, fear, love, sass and everything under the rainbow make an appearance as it translates from inner emotions to an external attitude and movement. I've often thought of dance as a way to see visually see the music that you hear. I guess it could be considered that it is also a way to visually see the emotion that we feel. Carrying out a movement to a long note with a long breath and being able to connect our emotions and our movements to the sound around us.
Dance is being able to sort through an array of problems and feelings that life is chalk-full of by pulling everything we feel and focusing it into our movements until the movements express our lives. The ability dance and to be able to reach this high is beautiful. So easily we are able to escape, to free our minds and free our souls from the weighty world we live in. For some people, they chose writing songs, or playing an instrument or playing a sport, or doing schoolwork, or working out or anything that allows them to free their minds to the world around them. I choose dance because I can see the world, feel the world and express to the world exactly what I've experienced in life all without having to even open my mouth or use my voice.
That to me is why dancing is a drug; finding the ability to communicate wordlessly to the people around me on a higher level than simply vocalizing my thoughts and feelings. Instead, I am able to transcend the language barriers and speak a universal language to anybody that cares to listen to my dancing speech.