Being a Biology major at a small, Christian university means that I have anywhere between 4 and 10 people at most in my classes and often times people question why in the world we would even choose such a major as Biology.
The common question seems to be, "What can you even do with that?". Not only do we have to constantly deal with numerous questions about what we even plan to do with our lives but there are daily struggles we all face as biology majors whether you're at a secular university, a small school in the middle of nowhere, or wherever you fall on the spectrum. So here's to all the bio majors out there, you are not alone in your daily struggles.
1. You quickly realize there is no such thing as "syllabus week".
While everyone else spends the first week of classes going over the syllabus and easing their way back into school, as a bio major you can expect to walk into your class on day one with little or no explanation of the syllabus and jumping right into Chapter 1.
2. Sleep becomes a figment of your imagination.
Between lab write-ups, memorizing formulas, research, and everything else on your to-do list, you realize that getting a decent amount of sleep might happen one day...... when you're dead.
3. Lab hours crush any chance that you might have a social life.
Your friend group is based on the people you are in the lab with and your excitement comes when you do an RNA extraction with a good 260/280 ratio.
4. Most of the time you have no idea what you are doing .
Some days you feel you may have it all together. Other days, you might feel like you have learned nothing at all and have no right to be in an organic chemistry class.
5. Breakdowns become a part of your everyday life.
You will have breakdowns and they will become part of your daily routine. But crying is normal, right? And after you cry, everything will be better..... until tomorrow.
Let's face it, being a bio major is a big struggle and it's not for everyone. But don't let the hard days get you down because one day this will all be worth. You are still in the fight, keep pressing on and rmemebr you are not alone!