For a while you were my dad. You cared for me, you loved me, and you were my best bud.. until you just left. I never understood how someone could just leave their child, stop caring, loose contact.
You use to spoil me on Christmas, you use to play with me all the time. Make cool snacks with me, watch movies, play in the snow. What ever happened to that? Don’t you miss it ? I sure did. Why would you ever want to leave that.
You left me wondering if it was my fault. I wondered why you didn’t even want to check on me. I was too young to ever understand, but you knew that, and you didn’t care. Was it because before you left things were bad? Never sent me to school, never watched me, neglected me. Chose a pill over me ?
Well it’s been about a decade since I last saw you, and to be quite honest I have no interest in seeing you again. I no longer have a “father” and you no longer have a “daughter”. I will never claim you as my family, as you’ve stopped claiming me as someone you care for.
I hope your happy alone with your life. I hope your happy knowing you’ve missed my whole life . My birthdays , graduations, tragedy’s, growth. You’ve missed everything. But don’t worry, I’m doing good for myself, so I don’t turn out like you.
I hope the drugs are making you happy, I know you still don’t care about me, and that’s fine. It’s fine because you taught me at a young age to not trust, that men are trash, and that not everyone is good. You may not be dead, but you sure are dead to me. In my books, you’ve been gone.