Real life: I'm a terrible, awful procrastinator. No matter how many assignments you fight through or deadlines you push, you still find yourself in that constant cycle of procrastination. The tough reality is that procrastination is no longer something you just do, it's your way of life.
The Assignment
Your professor gives you a project, your boss gives you a stack of papers to file by the end of the week, or Christmas is approaching and you have to start buying Christmas presents. No task is too simple for you. Piece of cake.
The Calm Before The Storm
You have plenty of time to carry out your assignment. Don’t sweat it. You decide that you can divvy out the work evenly so you don’t cram everything in last minute. You're motivated. You got this.
The First Wave
You picked all of the easy stuff to do first because once you get that done, you’ll have the motivation to do the other allotted sections. That was so easy, this next assignment will also have to be super easy.
The Early Onset Panic
Okay so maybe you should have done a little more work and saved less for later, but it's okay. There's still time to do everything.
The Realization
You realize that you're really up the creek without a paddle now. Your assignment is due in a week and you just have too much other stuff to do...the stress begins to set in.
The Phase of Total and Complete Stress
The only thing that sums this phase up is this Tumblr post:
The Pressure-Induced Cramming
Professor: I gave you five weeks to do this paper so I expect excellent work from all of you...
You: Yes well clearly you don't understand how I function. It's three days before the paper is due and I'm writing this paper with my tears.
The Completion
Finally, after seven mental breakdowns, four pots of coffee and two all-nighters, you've completed your assignment. You vow to you will never ever do this to yourself ever again, but you know deep down inside that there's another long-term assignment on the horizon waiting for you, and you're just sitting in your room like: