The educational system of Wisconsin is slowly being dismantled not only by Governor Walker himself, but also his slew of supporters. I, as a college student who currently attends UW Stevens Point, can say with the most utter sincerity that this is a disgrace not only to the great state of Wisconsin, but to the nation that we call home. I do hope that this article not only opens eyes in terms of what these budget cuts can and will do for not only students of my age, but also all UW System college students across the state. By passing these cuts, the state of Wisconsin will be demeaning what it means to have an education in this country, and not only that, but also will be tarnishing the very reputation of the University of Wisconsin System itself.
As a college student who attends one of the better UW System schools, normally I would feel grateful for being given the chance to show my skills both athletically and academically here at UWSP, but alas, I cannot say that with all honesty. This is because of these proposed budget cuts that our governor has proposed to the state government. The secondary reasoning behind as to why I am disappointed in the educational system of this state is due to the budget cuts also affecting IRIS, which is a program that aids special needs and disabled persons such as myself. As some of the educators are probably aware, UWSP has already cut its women’s studies course, its academic advising center, as well as some other facets of its campus.
The second school to be hit rather hard is UW Superior, which I am unsure of how hard they’ll be hit if these cuts are passed. What I ask of you, the voter in both federal and state elections, is this: If you have (or have in the future) a child or children that wish to attend a UW school in this state, would you want them to have all possible resources they can be afforded or would you want them to have those resources to look forward to utilizing and then having them cut prior to their starting at a UW school.
As I am writing this, numbers that are beyond mind-boggling are swimming around in my mind. The first number that pops into my head is the amount of money that is being cut from UWMC alone in the next few years, with about $450,000 to nearly, if not over, $1 million dollars, which is extremely ridiculous for a two-year campus such as this one. The second number that comes to mind is that Walker is saying that these budget cuts will take effect over two academic years, but will they really, or will it be more than just what he says?
I am also writing this, not to state what has been stated before, but to take an issue and have it presented to you, the public, from a college student’s point of view. The true power of the state of Wisconsin and its educational system does not wholly lie within the confines of the state capitol building, but with you, the voters. In that statement, I will merely state that I am neither for Walker nor am I against him, I simply want the best for the educational future of not only students of my age, but also any future college students who wish to attend a UW school without having these budget cuts looming every year.
In closing, as a college student, and hopeful UWSP graduate, I hope you reflect on the words I have chosen here, and in those hopes, you realize that in order to fix the educational system, we must start at the top and work our way down across every school that will be affected, regardless of the amount of money that they will be cut due to the “budget” that needs fixing.
Kertscher, T. (2016, May 25). Scott Walker, who cut funds to Wisconsin university system, says system has its largest budget ever. Retrieved August 21, 2016, from
UW System funding slashed by $250 million in finalized budget. (2015, July 9). EAB. Retrieved August 21, 2016, from
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