College has taught me a lot of things and some lessons were harder to learn than others. I’ve often felt that I didn’t have a minute to myself, but I’ve also had times where I found myself with too much time on my hands. Both can be negative obstacles you have to overcome. We, especially as millennials, live in this culture of being busy. What I mean by this is that we look at each other’s lives and judge them on how stressed we all are.
I’ve been on Facebook more than a few times and I see people talk about their packed class schedule and the job they have to run too afterwards, and I commend them on their work effort. I also look at them and wonder if they are actually happy. It’s seen throughout the last few decades that people spend much more time at work than they do at home or just enjoying their lives. This notion has been passed down to the current generation and it is a damaging trend.
No one ever wants to look back and realize that they’ve spent all of their college years with their head in a book and didn’t take a few hours out to have some fun. I’m not saying we should drop all of our obligations and binge drink for a week, but there should be a balance.
It’s been reported that we are the most stressed out generation ever, and we damn well should be. The future is bleak for a lot of reasons, which means that faltering once in a while doesn’t make you a horrible person.
We also shouldn’t be indulging ourselves every weekend. That is a good way to ruin your life. When you’re in college you come face to face with a lot of different people and the slacker is definitely one of them. Don’t get comfortable doing nothing. Wasting time is much much worse than not having any time.
The difference between a slacker and someone who is constantly busy is that although the busy person missed out on some fun, the slacker can end up being years behind in life. Make your time mean something! We’ve all seen those movies where there’s a guy who works too much and his dad wants to spend time with him and the whole lesson that’s learned at the end of the film is that time is precious and we should always make time to enjoy life.
I could give you a list of way to accomplish this, but I’ve found through personal experience that none of these actually work. You really need to find your own personal balance in life. I’m still on that journey and it is truly one of my major goals this year. Balance can seem like a mountain to climb, but it just takes routine and being open to the thought of not being perfect. That is another major issue we have to get over. Perfection is rarely achieved and no one’s life has ever been perfect. Your only goal should be to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled.