A three-month long summer gets a little long. While it’s nice to be back to see all of your high school friends and family after nine months of homework, activities, and way too many party weekends, I can’t wait to pack up my car and drive back to school to reunite with those who have become my closest friends. That said, of course there will still be plenty to miss about home. So here are the top five things I’ll miss and look forward to upon my return.
Here are the five things I’ll miss when I go back to college.
1. Home-cooked meals (and parent-funded eating).
Dining hall food isn’t great to begin with, but after three months of home-cooked meals, “real" food and fresh fruits and vegetables, school food just turns into mass-produced mush.
2. Dog.
Who doesn’t miss their pets?
3. Queen-sized bed (and other full-size amenities).
Within a few weeks I’m trading in my queen bed, five-drawer dresser and well lit closet for a twin XL and something that reminds me of the chokey from the movie, "Matilda." If that’s not trading down, I don’t know what is.
4. Car.
Having a car means having the freedom to travel into town, home, or nearby cities. Sure, there’re Zipcar and Uber, but that’s simply inconvenient compared to the ability to drive yourself.5. Your own bathroom.
At home I share my bathroom and nice clean tub with my sister. I don’t know about you, but at school, I have to share my bathroom with the entirety of my co-ed dorm floor. In spite of my sister’s wet towel, home is a whole lot more pleasant and private than school’s co-ed hall bathroom (and no tub and shower shoes required at home).
Even with those things I will miss, I am still counting the days until I return to those grassy quads, stone buildings and freedom from my mother’s inquiring glares.
Here are the five things I’m looking forward to.
1. Friends.
Or should I say, my second family. It’s no secret that, at college, you make friends from all over the country (or world), and it’s hard to see them in the long summer months.
2. Parties and bars.
The party scene just isn’t the same at home. Your friend group morphs into an odd collection of various schools’ partying styles and you just feel out-of-place away from your party peeps.
3. On-campus cafes and coffee shops.
As basic as I may be, I really am getting sick of Starbucks and can’t wait to get back to that Sunday morning tradition of going to my favorite coffee shop with my roommate to talk about the night before.
4. No curfew.
5. Free gym membership.
I spent much of the summer alternating between the gym and yoga. Two memberships can get pretty pricey, so getting to go to the athletic center free of charge (just pay tuition!) saves tons.