July is the safest month of the year. This is lots of smooshing. July is smooshed between June and August, vanilla ice cream is squished between two bars of chocolate; the world makes sense.
At Least here in Michigan. At least here in America. Despite naive tendencies to believe that the world is "fine and dandy", the coral reefs are in danger, and the naturally beautiful color of our world is being replaced with factory colors and chemicals which have already killed off "one-quarter of coral reefs worldwide," and they are "already considered to be damaged beyond repair."
According to The Coral Restoration Foundation, "coral reefs support the highest marine biodiversity in our oceans." Additionally, the coral reefs are home to more than 25% of all marine life."
Any pet owner looking into the eyes of their kitten or puppy can see needy eyes begging for help. Not only are the coral reef begging for our help, but additionally all the marine life that used to have the coral reef as their home.
People, we need to start saying no to all the chemicals that are affecting our beautiful ocean. We need to purchase less plastic and find out the products that are harming our earth in every way.