As a college student, I am no stranger to the question, “what are you doing with your life?”
And as a college student, I also am no stranger to the feeling of having absolutely no clue.
I see my friends, peers and classmates get so bent out of shape trying to figure this life thing out, and I am no exception.
I go into a tail spin thinking about future careers, responsibilities, financial obligations, etc. And I spin so out of control I tend to forget the point of it all.
What are we doing all of this for?
Where are we supposed to be going?
Why are we doing this?
Sometimes we get so caught up in our future, and sometimes even our past, that we forget about the good things. The wonderful things.
Our whole lives are mixed up of the good and the bad, and it is our mission to learn and cope with the misfortunes and to also celebrate the victories.
I, myself, have lived a life filled with moments that are on both ends of the spectrum, and everything in between.
I have had my fair share of pain and sadness, with times that I felt my heart would never be the same.
But I have also had moments of pure joy and happiness, times of pure laughter and love.
I have made many mistakes, I have said terrible things and I have hurt people, even in times when I didn’t know it.
But I know I have also succeeded and surpassed my own expectations for myself. I know I have made people smile and have made them feel loved and worthy, and so even though I have hurt, I also have healed.
I have fallen victim to the feelings of jealousy and anger, but I have also been a champion of all human beings, especially women.
I have been faithless, and also have been filled with the Holy Spirit, I have faced Buddhism’s Four Noble Truths and have understood the universal constant of all things pure and good.
I have lost a sense of innocence, and gained it back with the concept of the tide of life- constantly changing and evolving into something new and beautiful.
I have said nothing when I should have said something, and there were times when I have said too much.
The point is, I have messed up.
I have ruined relationships, I have disappointed more people than I care to admit and I have fallen from grace far too many times.
But in that process, I have also shined. I have helped people face their problems, I have determined my own beliefs, I have broken the mold on my traditional religious upbringing and have made my own belief system- my belief in which our goal should not to “do good” so we can make it to some far-fetched after life, but to do good so we can make the most out of this life.
I would like to believe I have started a life I can be proud of.
One that is messy and scary and beautiful.
I have started to make this life one that I am proud to call mine.
I have found values I am proud to stand by.
I have people in my life I am blessed to know and love.
My guess is that you have found your life to be as contradictory and frustrating as my own.
And for that, I am sorry you have had such a tough go of it.
But if you are able to, even for a second, take a look at what you have, what you have lost and what you might have someday.
When I do this, I think of the education I am fortunate to get. I think of the people I get to know. The rights I get to exercise. I also reminisce on those who have passed and relationships that have fizzed out. I think of the opportunities missed because I was so held with fear and anxiety. And I think of the life I might get to have. The dreams I might be able to reach. The path I might take.
This life thing is a mystery, and I used to take it for granted, one that I thought was insignificant enough to just throw it all away.
But not anymore.
Because now, every morning I wake up with vigor and purpose.
I get excited to go to class and to read all I can so I can be as informed and educated as possible.
I get excited to live in a world where I can disappoint, fail, hurt and mess up and still be worthy of love.
And you are too.
Your life is so wonderfully unique, that even in the hardest of times, there will always be something to smile about.
So take every step with both spontaneity and thoughtfulness.
Match every failure and painful experience with gratitude for getting through it to see another day.
I believe in you. All of you.
And just like me, no matter what happens or what you do, you are worthy of love.
You are worthy.