Gosh, it seems like nowadays people have nothing to say.
Day after day, it seems that people have less and less to actually articulate and instead they seem content to simply expel their everyday feelings and stale ideas ad nauseum. People speak more than ever through social media, texting, messaging, posting, chatting, and so much more but their content is as dull as ever. Where is the excitement that used to come with spoken discourse? Where is the titillation? Where is the content?
If I have to overhear another stunted train conversation about your kid’s birthday party, I think I might cry.
Seriously though, people do seem to talk more than ever before in the course of human history. With the advent of technological advancements has also come the ability for people to express their opinions to anyone in the world wherever they happen to be. If you want to tell all the people in the United States that you had a waffle for breakfast, you certainly can. If you want to explain to the entire world that you prefer Star Wars over Star Trek, no one’s stopping you.
There’s been a breakdown of real, veritable, intelligent conversation in recent years. Long-winded chats about relativity and colloquial dialogues concerning the inception of the universe have long been replaced by awkward small talk about the weather, attempting to stray as far as possible from political or religious manners in light of recent events.
It’s all perfectly dull, in my opinion.
I suppose that my real gripe is that there’s no literal substance to the conversations of the modern era. Sure people talk, and they talk, and they talk some more, but they’re not really saying anything. Most of it is shallow parroting of social media highlights and transiently memorable television commercials, and a lack of originality is certainly noticeable within the realm of public discourse.
My lament is nothing new, of course; plenty of people have discussed the effect of social media and endless new outlets on the content of hearty conversations. Snapchat filters and the latest most-liked picture on Instagram make the news nowadays instead of real, veritable, important issues of the day. But when these issues do occur, they are skated over as it no one really wants to spend time on them. They’re too afraid of the backlash that is inevitably to ensue.
What a world we live in, huh?
Either way, a serious overhaul of the current conversation system needs to take place. If it doesn’t, we may well be subjected to the dull conversation skills of individuals who think a six-letter word is stepping up their vocabulary.
Who wants to live like that?
My point is that conversation should be exciting, inciting, thought-provoking, and intellectual. With all the incredible technology that’s available and all the progressions in other parts of the world, it is alarming that we have absolutely nothing to talk about. But with a little creativity, the overall tone of our conversations can be far more interesting than ever before.