Here I am halfway through the semester and I have found myself saying, for the millionth time, the ultimate 'Yes! Of course! I'd love to!' This saying had led to stress beyond language, but I know I'm not the only that does this, so tell me, why do we do this?
Just in case you don't know what I mean, when I mean Yes Man I mean I really should say no, but ultimately for whatever reason I say yes; whether this is saying yes to donating that extra $5 at GameStop, because I felt bad for saying no, or saying yes to taking on a position on my campus's Inter Fraternity Committee or maybe running the largest Choral Festival in the State.. I wonder which one will do me in?
Even in small situations I've found myself saying yes, is SO much easier than saying no. Even when someone comes up to me in line at Starbucks and asks for a water and I have 15 drinks sitting in front of me I still say 'sure one second please!' when I know damn well I'd rather die then make a water cup before everyone else who waited in line. Or someone coming up and asking if I can take a survey.
What in us as humans feels the need to say yes? Or is this honestly just me? I feel horrible saying no to people who ask for change or want their drink remade or a document on the street signed. It actually physically stresses me out and I get anxious and don't know what to do. Most people say just ignore it but I really can't.
Honestly I love saying yes at the end of the day, because having so many different experiences is fun, but man if I've never said I hated it at times I'd be lying.
Maybe being a yes man is good, but I think it might be healthy to start saying no. I think honestly the amount of times I've said yes is actually going to start being the years taken off of my life expectancy. Like really. It's fun to do a lot of things, but sometimes maybe it'll be smarter to say no.
So moral of the story: Say no sometimes. Understand that it's okay to say no and yes all the time isn't necessary. But say yes to fun stuff. Yep. Not a very strong opinionated person here!