Music was one of the greatest adventures of my life. I learned so much more than how to make a pleasing sound on a hunk of metal. The amount of life lessons I received far outmatched that which I have gotten from any other organization or sport. I beseech you to read on if you are not a "band geek". Those who have walked the walk will likely understand what I am talking about, but I have written down some of my experiences to enlighten those who were not in band.
You had less free time than your peers.
In my experience, I have seen a student who takes music seriously devote multitudes of time to their craft while a serious athlete will devote far less time. I had the benefit of being an athlete and a "bandie." You could call me a "daywalker." With regards to music, you can easily mess up and lose the audience. Your entire effort becomes futile if you suddenly decide to suck it up for, say, 15 seconds of a song. No one wants to listen to bad music. Now, let's take a look at sports. People will still show up to support their team even if they never win a game. In music, perfection is the goal. Perfection is everything. In sports, being "good" can be enough. Perfect doesn't exist in sports, like, ever.
You were less "popular".
Now, the topic of popularity in high school is worth a separate article. What I am seeking to convey is that, often times, band kids are a little weird. I will admit that I am pretty strange. My interests and personality do not coincide with the "popular" kids. Often times, band kids are bullied for their choice: the choice to play an instrument which is a lifelong and useful skill. This simply infuriates me. Once high school ends and you enter a world outside of that place, finding someone who plays an instrument well is an impressive skill. I am always amazed when I see a college/professional athlete who can play an instrument. Seriously, if I had one regret from high school, it would be not standing up for myself and my fellow band members more when we came under fire. Bullying is just not cool, kids.
"That one time at band camp..."
I wish I could say that this "American Pie" quote was just a farcical depiction of the musical population. However, there were many shenanigans in which band members committed -- what's the word -- memorable? Yes, memorable. They committed many memorable, sexual fumbles. Bus No. 13 at my high school shall forever be unclean. Band kids can likely party harder than any popular kid any day of the week. Just sayin'.