Racial tensions within PWI’s (Predominately White Institutions) are commonly found between students of color and the rest of the college campus. Given the state / region, there is a strong relationship between the Confederate flag and citizens that believe it represents southern cultural heritage. However, the confederate flag stems a lot deeper than that. Making people of color feel uncomfortable due to its attachment towards instilling slave institutions. On Central Connecticut State University’s college campus, there has been reports of students proudly hanging up their confederate flags within their dorms. Scary enough, there hasn’t been just one or two reports but a few students ( Who are open enough to state) that a confederate flag can be found within 2- 3 dorms on each floor. This trend is more popular than what most people would believe it to be. Yet, this is not some ordinary fad that can be quickly dispelled by the institution if seen as a violation to housing rules/ regulations but, a micro-aggressive action that triggers racial tensions and uncomfortabillity. Yes, it is a fact that the confederate flag is a very important symbol within southern history. In addition to its role within American history, but this symbol is something that should not be praised or hung proudly. The confederate flag, similar to the Nazi flag, preaches White nationalism and racism. The superiority of the White race over that of Blacks during the era of the American civil war.
So, for a Hispanic, Asian, or Black student to be "welcomed" to their new educational environment with a big ole' sign that states, "Hi, I am clearly a racist and I would appreciate it if you were to tolerate or support my prejudice in every sense of the word..." -- by acting in accordance and turning a blind eye. These confederate flag supporters and owners do not see the fear and shock that immediately captures the faces of students of color when they enter through the door. Maybe they would feel the same if I were, a Black woman, to hang up my anti - white man posters and while placing Black nationalistic propaganda throughout the entire living space of my other suite mates -- Just to give them a taste of what that feels like to be immediately looked at as inferior due to your skin color.
How about we band together, my brothers and sisters, and those that are in solidarity to take down each confederate flag we see. Regardless of where it is, and who is the owner. Let's band together and haunt out each flag that promotes hate. The action, of course, should be done through legal means by reporting it to an R.A, the Dean, or a Res Life office. Let's band together and get signatures to petition and people to rally for some justice, to serve for some collective good.
I refuse to let this be tolerated and promoted... -- not in an institution where I and others will be attending for the next three years.