Eyes to the sky.
Stars in her heart.
She wonders why they tear her apart.
With angry words, and hurtful barbs
They break her wings and bind her arms.
She will not break, they cannot win
She'll fight them like she fights the wind.
One day she knows this all will pass
But now it seems to last and last.
Still at night she looks above,
To glittering jewels that seem to love.
The lights so far, still seem so close
They whisper kindness and give her hope.
Someday she'll join them, the galaxies she holds dear
She opens her arms and draws them near.
They guard her from the ugly truths,
And in them she sees goodness's proof.
When she finally rests her weary head
It will be upon a cloud like bed.
She knows her home is with the stars,
And once she gets there they will mend her scars.
Once healed she can share her radiant light
With those below who look for the night.
Just like she once found comfort from above,
She will send down hope for those who seek love.
And what better a place for a bleeding heart,
Than eyes on the sky and stars in her heart?