Colorism Is Years Of Beauty Ideals Forced Onto A Society And It Needs To End | The Odyssey Online
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Colorism Is Years of Beauty Ideals Forced Onto A Society And It Needs To End

Uncovering the small hidden message with a bigger impact.

Colorism Is Years of Beauty Ideals Forced Onto A Society And It Needs To End

"Colorism:" Prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group.

Throughout history, the stigma of colorism has affected large ethnic groups and individuals, although progress has been made significantly there are still scenarios that people go through. A well-known act of colorism was the idea that darker skin individuals are lesser individuals and this resulted in slavery and segregation of races. People were made to feel that darker skin, bigger lips and noses, and darker hair were not even human. It's been subconsciously instilled that European features and skin tones are the idealized beauty.

Moments of colorism I've witnessed in my life are family members using bleaching creams to appear whiter or referencing lighter public figures as prettier than darker ones. I've had friends that are afraid to be in the sun during the summer or have been told not to go in the sun because they will get darker because people assumed that was attractive. They would listen to them due to being young and influenced by others. Even in one's own community instead of uplifting each other, the darker skin is looked down upon and can be treated differently. The idea of colorism is a taboo topic that isn't discussed as often but is visible by the way people act or perceive others even in their own community.

The media plays a big influence on the dilemma of colorism, there are not a variety of products for dark skin woman when you go into the makeup store or roles that are supposed to be for a dark skin actor are usually played by a lighter skin actor. There have been segments on the news that explain "due to science" that the most beautiful woman in the world is a white female.

The Clark Doll Experiment is a famous study conducted by Kenneth and Mammy Clark which showcased the effects of segregation on African American Kids. Four dolls that had the same features, but different skin tones were shown to children ages three to seven to see the racial perception. The majority of the children chose the white doll as being more attractive and even gave positive characteristics just based on the doll having lighter skin. This study showed the effect on even children of racial prejudice.

The positive thing is seeing any skin tone being celebrated and people becoming more self-aware and in love with themselves. I've grown to love my skin tone and now I don't care that it gets darker in the summer. Times are changing, and beauty is on a wide scale range especially depending on where you are on Earth. Beauty comes in many forms and it makes life even more exciting that everything is not monotone. To appreciate one's self is a hard task but once you understand that there is only one of you and your skin color is just a pillar of who you are then you'll understand that what other people think does not matter. We are supposed to lift each other up on our differences, not tear each other down.

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