We all had the nerves, no matter if you were going 10 miles down the road or 1000 miles across the country. They were there even for a confident, jock like myself. We all tried to play it off cool. Shoving our parents out of our dorm rooms and onto the elevator barely even giving them a hug goodbye. After 18 years of being guided and cared for we were finally on our own. That freedom we had been yearning for all our lives was here. For the majority, the freedom is a lot to handle. There were moments it became too much, moments we all probably started to question what in the world we were doing. In these times of question, frustration, and struggle we realized why we went to college. For the experience, the relationships, and the lasting memories.
For most, it’s a four year endeavor that comes to a close with a degree in one hand and massive amount of debt in the other. Some make it last little longer. They choose the 5 or 6 year path that usually includes a couple career changes along the way. None the less everyone goes through the same struggles and successes. Seeing your friends from freshman year that you did everything with for the first time not come back. Either because of grades or money. Slowly lose touch with your hallmates and orientation friends to adapt to your new group. Starting to make new memories with new people. Having only your first year friends become a distant memory as you embark on a new journey.
Going through college trying to figure out where you “fit in” is the whole game. Trying to see where your niche is. Feeling out clubs, sports, and social life. Balancing that social life and school work, finding that happy medium that works for you. We all can remember that constant struggle, when deciding on a thursday night should we go out or study for that test on monday. I hope you all chose going out because those are the nights you can’t get back. You can always sign up for another test but a night out with your friends making memories that will last a lifetime only comes along once in awhile.
College only comes into our lives once. It’s gone before we know it. By the time we figure out who we are and what we want to do they are pushing us onto the graduation stage. Everyone clapping for us not because we are graduating but because we are going to need the encouragement as we enter into society. As soon as we make that walk across the stage and we exit down the stairs we become real life adults. It’s scary, almost as scary as our first day of freshman year. There will be that awkwardness, that growth period. We will be lost for some time but just like college we will find our spot. That’s what college does for you.
I hope everyone takes away the most they can from college. Taking advantage of the opportunities they have put themselves in. It’s a group effort for sure but at the end of the day it’s your name on the diploma. At some point you have to take credit for the hours of work you put in. You did it, never forget that. When life gets to hard just remember you made it through community bathrooms or history 150 with the old, crazy dude. College is a journey and not an easy one, it’s not meant for everyone. So for all who complete it, who make it to the light at the end of the tunnel. I tip my hat to you. I hope I make it there one day, hopefully I finish this journey up with everything I started with. But I also hope to gain a few things too. I hope I can look back on my college career and say “ damn that was one hell of a ride.”. Things happen along this ride for a reason. That’s just the way life is. I hope I can remember that when life gets to hard I just have roll with it .To go with the flow and everything will be alright. I am grateful for this opportunity and I am excited for the future that sits in front of me. It’s because of the chances I am getting that I will have a future. A bright one filled with many great memories but I will never forget how I got there. I don’t think any of us should forget where we started. Back in those old, dirty freshman dorms at 18 years young.