The Collapse Of Johnny Manziel | The Odyssey Online
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The Collapse Of Johnny Manziel

A star turned sour.

The Collapse Of Johnny Manziel
Scott Eckland, Associated Press

Johnny Manziel was once known as an undersized quarterback who lit the world on fire at Texas A&M, winning a Heisman trophy and becoming "Johnny Football." After two mediocre seasons with the Cleveland Browns and loads of off-the-field issues, it is safe to say that Johnny Manziel's days as an NFL quarterback are limited.

After he won the Heisman in 2012, Manziel became a massive celebrity. He was seen partying with the likes of Lebron James, Drake, Rick Ross and Wale. This was acceptable at Texas A&M because his off-the-field antics were not affecting his play on the field or taking a toll on his personal health. Once he got to the NFL, his alcohol abuse seemed to become an issue and you could tell it was hindering his playing ability. In his rookie year, he reportedly missed practice because he overslept after a night of partying. This was only the beginning of his off-the-field troubles.

After his rookie year, he received heavy criticism from the media and from his teammates, but he seemed apologetic and realized he needed to get help. He checked into a rehab center for alcohol addiction and stayed there for a few months. When he got out, his name was not swirling around sites like TMZ for a few months. A few months later, there was a scuffle with a fan who was heckling Manziel, who proceeded to throw a water bottle in the fan's direction. No one got arrested, but Manziel's name was back in the limelight for an off-the-field incident.

His second year in the NFL went even worse than the first one. His playing time increased, but his play did not get much better. Manziel was pulled over at the beginning of the season after a heated verbal argument with his girlfriend in his car. One month later, a video of him with a bottle of champagne in hand popped up on the Internet. This incident came right after he was announced as the starting quarterback for the remainder of the season. The video caused his demotion because he lied to the head coach about it. He also was seen partying in Vegas (while having a concussion), wearing a wig and using a fake name, days before the Browns' last game, which caused him to miss a required doctor's visit. This incident made it clear that Johnny's alcohol addiction was spiraling out of control.

His worst incident was in February this year. He reportedly abused his girlfriend and was accused of rupturing her eardrum, pulling her hair, hitting her and threatening to kill her and then himself. This incident caused him to be dropped by his agent and marketing company. I do not care who you are or what issues you have, you never lay your hands on a woman. This extremely talented football player, whom many envied in his college days, including myself, needs to straighten his life out. Manziel's own father said that if he does not get help, he would not live to see his 24th birthday.

The Cleveland Browns plan to release him prior to next season. This is an opportunity for Manziel to figure out his life and hopefully step away from football. Once a polarizing figure who took the world by storm in a matter of a few, short months, fame and celebrity ruined Manziel. For the sake of himself, his family, and the girl's life that he ruined, he must get help.

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