Yes, I am aware that people have read an article like this before. Yes, I am aware that it's slightly cliche but tell me, if it is supposedly so overdone, why this subject isn't rooted into people's minds yet?
And I'm the biggest hypocrite. I take my schoolwork so ridiculously to heart; sometimes I can be so stressed that it's hard to sleep at night. And I already have trouble sleeping. Picture this: you go to class every day, pay close attention to your teachers, and spend hours on end laboring over numerous assignments that will help your grade in the future. But, take a look inside yourself; you're mentally deteriorating. Although you may think you're gaining knowledge by pushing and pushing yourself to work harder with every passing day, your brain just can't seem to process all of it. So, take a day.
Take a day to bury yourself up to your chin in blankets. Take a day to wait out the storm that is in your mind. Take a day to finish what you have mentally started, and weather out the terrible facets of your mental depression. Or your anxiety. Or whatever it is that is plaguing you, learn to stay home from class one day and just read. Or watch your favorite TV show. Or sleep. Or just sit. Sit in all the pain and the hurt and the terror of facing what's truly wrong. And face it.
Face the problem. Because that's what makes you strong. Being able to take days off and focus on yourself. Not many people can say that they do that. Not even me.
But I'm sure as hell gonna start trying.