To The Class of 2021 From A Rising Sophomore | The Odyssey Online
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To The Class of 2021 From A Rising Sophomore

You're on your way.

To The Class of 2021 From A Rising Sophomore

Dear Class of 2021,

Today is the day you have officially locked in your spot. You, my friends, are going to college. This is a huge milestone. You've worked so hard, and now you're on your way.

Graduation is coming up, and you only have a short time left in high school. While right now you may feel like you could start college this very moment and be completely fine, it will all hit around your last week of school. Cherish this time, because you never know when you're going to see some of your friends again. Take the time to just hang out and relax, but don't forget to finish your year strong in your classes, too.

No matter where you go and no matter what you do, we are now in a generation when everything is possible. You can absolutely be successful in whatever you want. Do not let practicality get in the way of what you dream to do. If you work hard enough and if you're passionate enough, you can turn your ideal future into a reality. Just don't let the hard times bring you down.

The next few months before you go to college are going to fly by. Enjoy the time you have before you have to crack down. This summer is your chance to have one last hurrah in your hometown before you become someone new. Hang out with your friends, spend time with you family, and just try not to work *too* hard because you'll be working hard soon enough.

College is not as hard as it seems. Your classes won't be as hard as you think, but the workload will be a lot. The only things you really need to do is find a way to study that works the best for you and learn how to manage your time well. Try to stay as organized as possible, because one day of not putting away your books could turn into a giant mess. And the "freshman 15"? It's real. Eat well and be active when you can because the extra pounds and the junk food really sneak up on you. Moving away from home gets easier, too. Call your parents as much as you can. Try to visit home during the semester if you can.

Next year you're going somewhere you're expecting to be your home for the next 4 years. If it's not, do not worry. People transfer all the time. Finding the right college can be tough, but you always want to be in an environment that you love. Find a place that works the best for you. And if your school does turn out to be as much as you dreamed it would, then go on out there and have some of the best 4 years. I'm not saying that college is going to be the best 4 years of your life, but right now in your young life, it very well could be.

College gets stressful. Know that now. Learn how to handle your stress well, and you'll be fine. As long as you don't give up, and you always remember that it will all be worth it, then you will be okay. You are preparing to do something professionally that you love. And if you have the room in your degree, play around with your classes a bit. You never know what you could find interesting.

Don't lose sight of who you are, but take this time to better yourself. This is a chance to start fresh. Use it to your advantage. And if you have any questions, or if you just need someone to talk to, we just went through our freshman year, and we can guide you to where you need to be.

Much luck to you,

The Class of 2020

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