When I first saw the trailer for the The Circle on Netflix, I thought it was another generic reality show filled with people whose only care is how many followers they have on social media. Oh man was I wrong.
The Circle is about a group of people who can't hear or see each other, but they can interact through 'the circle'. The goal is to become the most popular and win 100,000 dollars. But there's a lot more reasons to watch this show then just seeing who wins.
1. The Players Begin to Feel Like a Second Family!
Although each player begins the game thinking that anyone and everyone is there competition, they each grow to love and care for each other. The touching moments and caring personalities outshine in each contestant's personality. They all become so close to each other, and you can't help but fall in love with all of them.
2.The Show Acts as A Commentary On How Social Media isn't Reality
So since each of the contestants can't see or hear each other, not everyone is who they seem. Almost all the contestants acknowledge that they put themselves in a persona/character to gain popularity. There's also a short segment about the difference between people reacting to a fat girl online versus a thin girl.
3. Shooby
Shooby aka Shubham was actually not one of my favorites at the beginning. He came in with the mentality that social media is the devil, even likening it to social medusa. His strategy was to be as genuine as possible, and he slowly grew on me and all the other contestants. I guess it shows that if you're real on social media, people will like you alot more.
4. The Unique Challenges
Each day all the players get a challenge. The challenges are hilarious, and showcase each contestant's talents. From cake decorating to Chris not knowing who Kevin Jonas is, these challenges will always have you laughing
5. Joey and Shooby's Bromance
When you meet Joey, you would never guess that he would be friends with Shooby. Joey comes across as frat boy type, while Shooby seems much more nerdy. But their budding friendship and loyalty is something that makes you realize, opposites really do attract.