Dear Santa,
Now I am sure with less than 14 days to go till Christmas the North Pole is running double time to finish all the gifts for your ride on Christmas Eve, but I hope you can make time to read my Christmas List. I know I may be a little old to be sending a letter to you, but you see I still believe in the magic of Christmas. I believe there is still a magic that older one's can experience even as we grow with age, and so I will still write my jolly letter to you. To answer your questions Yes, I have been a good girl, or least somewhat this year even though there have been some difficult times; I am sure you have seen since you know who is naughty or nice all year round. I brush my teeth and listen to my parents advice even though it may seem difficult to do sometimes with my stubbornness getting the way; my dad calls it the stubbornness of youth and constantly reminds me of this whenever something arises. But besides this let me explain my Wish list, I am not asking for toys and certain things but for something else instead.
1. What I want for Christmas is for the impossible things to happen. I know a little vague but let me explain, I want to experience the daily miracles of life that God grants us. I know you may think how can she not see that now but I am asking for my eyes to be open to see these things like is says in Pslam 119:18 "Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things"
2. I wish for each day that I live on this Earth to be constantly surprised, whether good or bad I want to be surprised by everything little thing I experience. Yes, I may regret the bad things but I believe that without them people don't grow stronger and more wiser. My dad has always told me that God has planned things out for our life and he knows how far to push us, we may not know ourselves until after experience.
3. I wish for Joy to be brought back into our lives. I feel most people become so overwhelm with the struggles that it is hard to see the joy in things, I know from personal experience it is hard to see the good in things when it gets hard. It's hard to "make a joyful noise" in the darkest times but that is why I wish to have more joy in everything in life. (Psalm 95:1)
These are the 3 things I wish for Christmas Santa, I know they aren't toys or things but I think you can handle the load for me. You have lasted for centuries I don't think these few things can stop you now.
A believer