Dear Donald Trump,
This is it. This is the day that will go down in history. The day that the host of a popular reality TV show, "The Apprentice", and multi-billionaire businessman turns president.
I used to watch "The Apprentice" with my family. Although your rude remarks were quite amusing, I couldn't tell if they were real or scripted. It just goes to show, anyone, who has the money, can become president.
People saw something in you though. They saw enough to elect you and hold onto this ideal that you're going to "make America great again". There were people who see the worst in you and still do. The bad and the ugly, specifically.
I'm holding you to your words, Mr. Trump. I may have not voted for you, but you will officially be the 45th president and there's nothing anyone can (legally) do. If you think you can make America Great Again, then do it.
Don't use petty catch phrases to reel people in if all you're going to do is throw them back. I hope you keep your promise because this country needs a lot to make it great again.
You're playing with communities here, as well as the lives of millions of Americans. People are expecting you to follow through, but at the same time they're hoping you fail. Make our healthcare system great by finding a significantly "greater" act than the Affordable Care Act. Make the lives of college students nationally significantly greater by reducing tuition fees and providing loan relief. Make climate change known as a real and prominent problem, and figure out a way to reduce it. The list goes on and on, but try and continue to make things great; not dismantle.
I know it's only four years, but four years is a long time to achieve some great things. Make it a great presidency, or not. The choice is yours, Donald Trump.
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