I will always be the "fat" one in my group of friends. I mean it's not a big deal per say but it's something that has many different struggles.
1. I always am the one that seems approachable so that means all the hot guys always come up and talk to me, but it's because they are asking me about my hot friends. I just want to be like, "hello, am I not enough? Am I just not in your league because I'm fat? Why do all guys have to be such douche bags. I am just as good as they are." Instead, I'm like, "yep, they have a boyfriend." That always, of course, makes them walk away sad.
2. I never get to share clothes with any of my friends. They all have so many cute clothes that they let all my other friends borrow and I just have to sit here with the same four things that I always wear. If my friends ever borrow any of my clothes it's because they are going to wear it for it to be the baggy look. I mean that of course doesn't bother me for them to borrow my clothes because they are asking and it's harmless but at times it makes me feel so bad because of course even though it's big on them it still looks 10x better on them than it does me.
3. When my friends call themselves fat I literally want to punch them in the face. When they say that around me I'm like well do you want to switch bodies then? They are always like no shut up you look fine. But I'm like if you're fat then what does that make me? I know they don't mean anything by it when they say it or when they say they need to go on a diet. I know they don't necessarily see me as "fat", they see me as Bradleigh and I appreciate that so much.
4. It's so hard to find someone that accepts you for you when you're trying to find a boyfriend. Being fat in today's society is something that everyone associates as being ugly so if you're fat some guys won't be with you because of how other people view you. With that being said, if you're bigger you're not ugly. You are beautiful inside and out and do not let anyone tell you different. Don't ever do anything to change unless YOU WANT to. Don't ever let anyone say you'll be so much prettier if you lost weight. Why can't I be pretty right now exactly as I am?
To all my friends and family that love me for me, thank you so much. You will never know how much I truly appreciate all of you. And to the guy that ends up with me, you are so lucky because when I love, I love hard and unconditionally. I see the good in everyone and I wish everyone could do the same. To anyone reading this, you are beautiful in every way and hey, you're not perfect but all of your imperfections make you and that's really great.