Celebrities are like a figment of our imagination. A nice getaway from our real lives, entering into the world of Hollywood lifestyles and friendships. We want to be their friend, we want to know them, we want to be them. The obsession with celebrity lifestyles becomes almost toxic in some ways with the idea that they're perfect, they're untouchable and can do no wrong. So when these celebrities we so desperately idolize do or say something we could never imagine ourselves saying or doing, we become devastatingly disappointed.
As an avid fan of singers, musicians, actors, actresses, any other reality TV socialite and the occasional boyband, I've become used to the idea that these "famous people" are still just people. They're capable of making mistakes with their rhetoric towards their fans and following but that makes them human.
Of course, I'm not justifying their mistakes as okay. There's always an opportunity to educate themselves on what they do or say is wrong because just like you and me, I know what's offensive and what isn't. I've learned this through the amount of time I've spent on social media and have watched the news, keeping up with mainstream media. And just like these celebrities, I've made some mistakes with my words and my actions, not knowing this could possibly upset someone. But gradually, you learn what's acceptable and what isn't.
I think one of the most important things someone can learn from idolizing a public figure so much is that you shouldn't put them on a pedestal because you'll be disappointed. Sure, you can love them unconditionally and be thankful for them getting you through a rough patch in your life but you shouldn't depend on them to be perfect every single second of the day. They're people just like us and they will screw up. It's human nature.
We become obsessed with the idea we have in our minds of who we think they are. Eventually this perception we have of our beloved idol becomes skewed because of their past and future mishaps. I'm not saying you should never love a famous person because they'll just let you down. I'm saying that maybe consider sometimes these famous people might not always do or say the right thing.
Loving your favorite band or singer can be fun and gratifying experience. For some it's truly the best time of their life and gives them the most joy they've ever felt in a while. And while all of that is perfectly fine, don't be afraid to admit when these people are wrong in their actions or words. Just because you admit their wrongdoings doesn't you don't love them or aren't dedicated to them. It simply means you're able to have your own opinion and not be controlled by the idea that you have to follow someone else's ideas.