This riddle was inspired by "Into the Unknown", a song from the Disney film "Frozen 2". Thus, the picture and the title.
For the past three nights, you have heard this voice calling out to you, a bright soprano singing a haunting melody. You have asked others about it the next day, but all you got were strange looks and concerned questions about your sanity. You are the only one who has heard it.
But you knew what you heard, and decided, in the dead of night, to track the source of this mysterious voice. It is a moonless night, so you sneak out unseen, bringing your flashlight and a box of matches with you.
Using the voice as a guide, you stumble through the brambles, roots, and vines, until you find yourself standing before the legendary Cave of the Unknown.
The sight of it leaves you trembling in fear. You've heard stories about this cave, how it is hidden in the deepest parts of the forest. How it is a lair of witches and sorcerers, creating an atmosphere so unnatural that bats refuse to dwell there.
Inside the cave, the voice sang, louder and closer this time. You push away your fears, aim your flashlight into the darkness, and enter the cave.
After a long, dark hallway, dripping with water, you enter a subterranean room, lit by magical torches that leave no smoke. There, three magical golden statues of women stand tall, all in graceful positions and carrying roses, but with different expressions: the first is happy, the second is shocked, the third is sad.
At the end of these statues is a woman with fallow-colored hair. She asks you to state your business, and you tell her why you're there. Immediately afterward, the bars shut you off the only entrance and exit. Then she tells you that the only way you can escape, and answer your question, is if you can solve her riddle.
She then says: "The women here have many gifts, but only one has the gift of song. The question is, which one? The hint: It came from someone who doesn't belong."
Where did the voice come from?