The American dream is something that has been longed after for centuries by people across the globe. So many diverse communities have traveled to America to experience this so-called American dream. The only problem is the American dream has become a nightmare.
Now people are beginning to fight for the Canadian dream. That's right Canada has become the country that these communities are striving to become apart of. So, what makes Canada so great? There are many reasons Canada has pushed past America, but I'll limit it to three.
1. Canada legalized same-sex marriage in 2005
In Canada, same-sex marriage is fully legal, no matter the province or town. While America still rejects its own people. In 2016 the Supreme court case Obergefell v. Hodges made it officially unconstitutional for states to ban same-sex marriage. Did the states of America listen to this? That would be a no. Instead, there are still 13 states who refuse to accept the changing times and are finding loopholes to avoid giving out marriage licenses to same-sex couples. While Canada holds annual Pride parades across the country.
2. Canada has 2 official languages
This may seem like a minor difference between Canada and America, but it makes all the difference. Canada's two languages are French and English. Canada is a predominantly French-speaking country, so why do they have English as an official language as well? Oh, that's right they embrace the people who immigrate to their country. Canada realized that French was no longer the only language spoken throughout their land, so instead of banishing anyone who spoke it or forcing them to learn French, they made it an official language. English is not the only language spoken in America, Spanish is spoken by many Americans and should be an official language as well.
3. Canadian Healthcare
Now, I'll admit the Canadian healthcare system has its flaws, but it is definitely better than America's system. For comparison Canadian healthcare is like American Medicare, only everyone gets it. Canadian medical care is free, with exception of a few things, such as glasses and dental. Yes, there are waiting lists for certain things, but the lists are on a need be basis. The more urgent the case or condition the higher on the list a person becomes. Some Americans can't understand the thought of having to wait for something, these are usually the people who can afford American healthcare. They aren't okay with having to help pay for someone else's healthcare, so they rather watch someone die because they can't afford it. Thousands of Americans die because they can't pay for the care. Canada takes care of its people, while America is too engulfed in greed to take care of theirs.
I can go on and on about why Canada is better developed than America and how America could take a page out of their book. American politics are tearing the nation apart everyday, while Canada is working harder to bring their country together. The unity of Americans is slowly vanishing and along with it the American dream.