The call to be a follower of the Lord in this fallen world is the call to be a pillar. Not a tall, proud pillar, rising above everything around it; but instead, an unshakable, unmovable pillar in a world that's ever-changing. A constant if you will.
This concept is so lost today. We're taught to take pride in all we do. As if an open-minded attitude suggests weakness. We're taught to be the best version of ourselves at all times because that's what people want to see. We're taught not to be teachable because to teach others our opinions and why they're important is top priority.
But without humility, without mistakes and without a teachable heart, the call to be a pillar is basically a pointless call. A pillar must be built up. It starts small - it starts as literally nothing. But with time and patience comes perfection. Once complete, a pillar stands to be just that; strong and powerful. Winds blow, rains fall and people pass by, but a pillar faithfully remains. In just the same way, true followers of the Lord stay standing no matter the elements they are exposed to. The words spoken to them and the deeds done cannot move them because their foundation has been set and secured in the Lord.
I was given some feedback (constructive criticism) on how I performed a certain task today. It was helpful feedback - very helpful actually. But instead of taking it with thanksgiving and gratefulness, I let it defeat me. After thinking back and analyzing every detail of every minute of the night, I concluded myself to be a failure. If at first I don't succeed, there's no point in trying and trying again, right?
But this attitude I too on doesn't characterize that of the "unmovable" and "unshakable" pillar I previously described. I was swayed to the left and right ever so easily. Given the opportunity to doubt God, I grabbed onto it with both hands. I allowed Satan to use what could have been a growing experience in my faith to tear me down. My confidence was slashed leaving my identity in the worldly that surrounded me.
The walk of a Christ-follower is one of countless ups and downs. Winds will blow, rainy days will come and criticism from anyone and everyone will be more common than not. Good thing we have more than just this world to find our identities in. As Christians, we have the Rock of Ages to identify with every morning and every night. He is as "unmovable" and "unshakeable" as they come.