When I was 15, I started making a bucket list and now, seven years later, I'm happy I started making it when I was younger. Turns out, things that I wanted to do when I was 15 I am willing to try now; even if I don't like it afterwards at least I will try. So here are 40 things I want to do before I die... and maybe some of them you might consider too...
1. Visit All 50 states.
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2. Visit all the continents... or as many as countries as possible.
3. Go paintballing in an abandoned high school or college.
4. Meet one of my favorite actors/actresses from my favorite movie.
5. Go to a winery in northern Italy.
6. Graduate college.
7. Own a German Shepherd... or two... yeah, just two.
8. Watch my future kids grow up and succeed in whatever they want to do.
9. Never stop volunteering.
10. God dog sledding in Alaska.
11. Go scuba diving.
12. Swim with the dolphins.
13. Hold a shark.
14. Hike a trail in every state park.
15. Kiss a sea lion.
16. Swim with sharks.
17. Write a book.
18. Go on a cruise.
19. Go to a drive-in movie.
20. Learn to ballroom dance.
21. Learn to swing dance.
22. See Ellen... live with my two sisters (who are obsessed).
23. Have a professional photo shoot.
24. Spend the day at a resort spa.
25. Sleep in a castle.
26. Send a message in a bottle.
27. Watch my significant other succeed in what he loves to do.
28. Go deep sea fishing.
29. Start a not for profit organization.
30. Learn sign language.
31. Skydive.
32. Go to Nascar/Drive a racecar.
33. Skeet shoot.
34. Fly on a private jet.
35. Drive Route 66 while listening to "Route 66."
36. Ride a bike.
37. Shop at the European Christmas markets.
38. Work in Europe for a summer.
39. Go to a Manchester United game in England.
40. Get married... once and live the best life possible.
Sometimes it's nice to have a bucket list when you're young. You only have one life, so why are you going to wait until you're 40 to do it? Go make memories!