So I am sure that by this point, you all know who Brock Turner is, so I won't clutter this article with the logistics of the situation.
If you have made it all this time after Brock's assault (wait I guess it's only been a few months) and have somehow not heard of it, here you go. Check it out and then come back.
If you are an avid social media user (like I am), then you have been seeing his name sprawled across every timeline imaginable. With each consecutive argument, I have grown more and more enraged with the exemption of fault he has been given.
It began with the consistent referring to him as everything BUT a rapist it seems. Ex-Stanford Swimmer Brock Turner to be Jailed or Ex-Stanford Swimmer Brock Turner to be Released Early and other titles of the like. Excuse me, but Michael Phelps is an Ex-Swimmer. Brock Turner is a rapist.
And then it got worse with the shortening of his prison sentence, which I am sure you have heard all about as well. So like I said, I am not going to go into depth about the logistics you have heard inside and out.
This is an article to talk about the aftermath. What's going to happen to Brock Turner?
He can expect a lot of protesting, as the entire nation is obviously enraged. This has Turner's parents on edge as they are scared for his safety and have asked law enforcement to protect him. Poor guy, right?
His parents' statements, including his father's characterization of the assault as "20 minutes of action," show that they just don't get it. The nerve to then expect additional protection for their son's safety, who so evidently does not care for anyone else's? Granted, he is their child, but he is not in any way deserving of such special treatment, and their attempts are not going to help people see him as anything besides a predator.
As expected, most people don't feel the same concern for their criminal son's safety.
I most certainly don't.