At some point during your college career, you get cursed with the dreaded 8 a.m. class. Maybe colleges make it a secret requirement in order to graduate? Or maybe you just some how get very unlucky with class times?
When your 7 a.m. alarm goes off, you (at the moment) can't think of anything worse than rolling out of bed and on to that early morning bus. You reach automatically for your coffee cup and walk/drag yourself out the door.
Though your exhaustion may seem to take over your mind, there are actually a few plus sides to these early early mornings.
1. It is not (as) hot outside.
As a student, you know to well how a walk on campus during most months means sweating to death. No matter how long you are outside, 5 minutes or 30 seconds, you are overwhelmed with the rays from the sun. For early morning classes though, you seem to escape the heat, even just for a little bit. Since the sun is not up, you have no worry in the world when you stroll into your class and take off your backpack. Bye bye sweat marks.
2. You are preparing yourself for that 8-5 work day.
Repetition is key, so by waking up early in college, your body will soon learn how to be a morning person or at least get better at it (we can't all be morning people). You'll be so prepared for the real adult world... and you thought college wouldn't teach you anything?
3. You are a lot more productive.
On days when you sleep in, you tend to not start your class/homework until post lunch maybe even post dinner (the procrastination is real). However, on your 8 a.m. class days, you start to notice that you get a lot more work done before noon. That full four hours can actually be useful for things other than snoozing.
4. You get to take in the pretty morning skies.
On your way to class, you get to take in a little more nature. The peaceful, serene scenery on your walk makes the day seem ever so slightly better. Not everyone can say that they get to witness the sun rise every morning, but you can!
5. The perfect quiet time or "me time."
College can get hectic and at times you find it really hard to have a few moments for yourself. With an 8 a.m., you have a little more "me time." Since most of the campus is still sleeping, you can enjoy your morning run to Starbucks without waiting in lines of crowded people. The quietness all around will make you appreciate your early morning wake up call a little more and give you a few moments of peace.
So the next time you have to be up before the sun, remember that the day isn't so bad. You'll be able to make it through the semester and all your other early mornings to come! You can smile before the sun is up :)