The Bright Side of 2016
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The Bright Side of 2016

What was overlooked

The Bright Side of 2016

Over the years, my generation seems to only see the disappointments, tragedies and failures of the passing year. We revolve our news stories, articles and Facebook posts around the most recent thing that has gone wrong. What we don't broadcast, praise and idolize is all the good that happens as it all sits in the shadows of what we see to be wrong with our world, which in fact is incredibly upsetting. So in order to bring light to the shadowed stories that have disregarded, here are some positive events that 2016 overlooked.

The Election

I know, this was 2016's biggest event, and you are thinking "how was this possibly overlooked?" Well, let me explain. This election is easily argued to be one of the most bizarre elections in the history of the USA. The media soaked up as much as they could regarding Hillary's emails and Donald Trump's blunt lifestyle. They focused on the rallies and outbursts of supporters, how the two parties were quickly dividing our country. But what the media can't seem to allow our country to realize was that we are still standing. After a long, confusing and frustrating election, we as Americans are still living in a country where we are free. We pushed through the election, and we can push through day after day no matter who occupies the White House next. We have disregarded the positive in this election, which is the fact that we are still America, and we are continuing to move forward.

Out of This World Discoveries

Literally meaning out of this world, 2016's technology has allowed scientist to learn an awful lot about the universe.California Institute of Technology discovered and reports evidence of a large and cold 9th planet that possibly has been hiding beyond Pluto this whole time. NASA has also discovered an astroid that has become trapped in Earth's orbit and looks like it will be staying for awhile. The astroid is being called 2016 HO3. Other discoveries have been made regarding the universe around us including a galaxy made of entirely dark matter as well as that Venus may have once been habitable.

Not So Out of This World Discoveries

Bringing our 2016 stories back to Earth, there has been a multitude of discoveries. Suggestion by Rodrigo Moura led oceanographers to discover a coral reef defying the stereotype as it is located in the muddy mouth of the Amazon River. It is said to be over 600 miles and covers 3,600 square miles. In other discoveries, scientists at Oregon State University accidentally discovered a new shade of blue when mixing chemicals, they seem to have named it YInMn Blue, developed from some of the chemicals used to create it.

Eastern Air Lines Flight 980

A tragic plane crash that took place in 1985, as it was traveling from Paraguay to Miami, flight 980 met its end with a mountain in Bolivia. For 31 years, the flight's records were missing as the black box was never found, that was until in 2016. Two men found what they believe was flight 980's box on Mount Illimani. It took the men three days to search the debris field before find what seemed to be a voice recorder from the plane's cockpit and a single roll of magnetic tape, which may provide some new information regarding the tragedy.

When many think about 2016, all they can recall are the sad and tragic stories that terrorized our news stations this year. This is why I have given you just a few examples of the many discoveries and positivities of 2016, the biggest one being that we have survived although terrible events and can move forward to continue to discover and grow. So here is to 2016, a year of many successes and discoveries! Bring it on 2017!

For more amazing discoveries in 2016 visit :

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