The brain of a writer is a vastly complicated thing. It is nearly impossible to understand, but this is the best description I can write. A writer’s brain is impossibly cluttered with a million facts and details they picked up from who knows where. There is so much random information jumbled in with the important information that they often appear unorganized or forgetful to outsiders. The truth is that writers are not forgetful. They just sometimes have a difficult time calling forward the information you want without sorting through a million ideas they have had since they stored the information you want.
When you a meet a writer they might not remember your name or even the details of your face, but they will remember the stories you told them and the emotions of your first meeting. Please forgive them if you have to tell them your name five times before they remember. Writers will remember that your favorite color is maroon and deep greens like a forest before we remember your name. Also, when they remember very specific details of your life please do not think they are stalking you, they just liked the detail and therefore, it stuck in their brains.
Writers can have a difficult time speaking to people in person. Their thoughts are just so much better on paper. Writing out ideas on a piece of paper makes their thoughts slow down and flow word by word from their brain to their hands. The connection between the brain and the hand is a truly amazing connection that produces so many beautiful things in this world. If a writer comes to you asking to read what they have written, it is an amazing honor because that is a piece of their soul on that paper. Please treat it with care.
The brains of the writers change from person to person, but the one similarity is all those brains create beauty, emotion and images. Those are things our world needs to value a little more. If we valued the beauty more, then there would be less ugliness in the world.