This article goes out to all the boyfriends who are currently struggling with what to get their girl for Christmas. I will admit that it is sometimes hard to figure out what we want. Sure, we try to drop hints, but not all boys pick up on those too well. I’m not trying to emphasize buying gifts and spending tons of money here; the best thing you can give someone is happiness. But there’s no reason to spend two hundred dollars on a purse that she doesn’t want. Sometimes it’s little things. There are ways to find out.
Before you try to snoop through her phone to see if you can find anything, check her Pinterest. Just about every girl has one. If you can find her Pinterest and it’s current, then you’ve hit the jackpot and are set for Christmas, Hanukkah, her birthday, everything. The best part is that everything she pins is labeled into categories. It’s so organized. Some people (I’m guilty of this one) even make a category called Wishlist, just in case anyone is trying to find out what to get them for Christmas. Pinterest even takes you to links where you can buy the items.
Before you start scrolling through your own twitter feed, take a minute to look at what she’s liked. You could find some VS leggings or a True Grit pullover or a watch. Twitter likes are things that you don’t want everyone seeing (aka why you don’t retweet it) but you want that special someone to see. It shows that you care when you take the time to look at her likes. You care what she likes.
There’s another app called WaNeLo which stands for Want Need Love. It’s similar to Pinterest but not as popular. If your girlfriend has it I would recommend looking at it to get some ideas.
Asking people close to her is never a bad idea. Her parents and sisters probably know what’s on her Christmas wishlist this year. Her friends probably know even more. However, asking her friends comes with a warning. If you do ask them, there is a solid chance that they’ll text her and tell her what’s going on and see what she wants. So that might ruin the surprise factor.
Take her to the mall or window shopping and see what she looks at the most. Spending time with your girl and figuring out what she wants for Christmas is a win-win situation.
Just make sure to not get too caught up in gifts this season. Ultimately, she loves you for you and will love any gift that you give her. The fact that it’s from you means so much already. Trust me on this one, us girls are trying just as hard to get our boyfriends something they’ll like. It’s not always easy either, but some people are just worth melting for. If someone wants to write up a guide on how to know what to get boys for Christmas, I’m sure that’d be a bestseller.