The Boy Who Made The World Stand Still | The Odyssey Online
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The Boy Who Made The World Stand Still

I used the word "you" 103 times :)

The Boy Who Made The World Stand Still
Miles Weimer

You are susceptible to Love. You are susceptible to him. You lay calmly in the dark of his basement surrounded by the ones you Love. Everyone falls fast, you stay awake, well aware that you are not alone. Time passes, it feels endless. Your focus is consumed by his presence. All you want is the company of his arms around you. Thoughts begin to dance around your mind.

Does he think this much about you?

Does he think about you at all?

You feel the familiar ache in the pit of your stomach and the irritation between your eyes. He’s leaving soon. YOU’RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME! You remain still. You think of the things you could do… but will you? Fighting the thoughts, you pull her closer, you crave the comfort she provides. For a moment you’re satisfied, but it’s not enough. You know the only way to make this right is to immerse yourself in him. In his warmth, in the tender touch of his skin, in his Love. You consider the options to end this unbearable trench that tingles in your gut. The decision is clear; take action! TAKE HIM! Slowly, you begin to rise but your movement is halted by the sound of her voice. You lay again, listening this time as they proclaim their failed attempts at sleep. She extends her invitation. He accepts. Your back faces’ them and their hushed words. Compelled to keep still, you listen as she offers you to him. You feel it when he says no. You avoid the rejection with gratitude as you allow yourself to finally fade into sleep.

You’re up before the sun is, yet you feign sleep. You are covered in silence. For a while you’re just there, in the existence. You’re present. You find contentment in them. The subtle sounds of their breathing and the movement of their chests. You are happy exactly where you are. You are happy.

Time elapses. You find his head in your lap and your hands in his hair. They’re fixed on the movie; you’re fixed on him. You begin to lose yourself in the obscure beauty of him as your fingers glide through the strands of his hair. One strand after another, smooth as a wave in the ocean. You feel heavily inside. The weight of what he means to you. Eternalism wraps itself around you like a blanket of forever. You vacate your thoughts and return to the gentle strokes of your hands coasting down his face. His cheeks are warm and his is skin soft, radiating like a pillow of sand kindly touched by the sun. The line of his jaw guides you to the tickle of his beard. You find solace in the symmetry of his face. A quiet sensation burns through your body. You are in Love.

You find yourself at a round table in a local restaurant, four of you remain. She’s to your right, the other to your left. He faces you. Small talk fills the air. That’s when the question presents itself. The anticipation draws from you hope and fear. He looks you dead in the eye, you’re staring down the barrel of a gun. Angst falls into the palm of your hands. You are not prepared. He watches you with the release of every word. You grow stiff, paralyzed by what you hear. A lump form’s in the entirety of your throat. Tears swell in your eyes. Escaping the table, you make your way outside. Engulfed by the heat, you strive for air. His words echo through your mind. There is no space to think. With a false numb you return inside. Their sympathy filled eyes make their way to yours. You are not okay. You are left without a word. Silence is the topic of choice.

Before this chapter comes to an end you make your decision. You will not let your life be in the hands of others. You will not let your happiness be determined by them either. You are in control. If you want it, take it. So you do. You define this moment for yourself instead of it defining you. You mold it with your lips. And their you both rest, forever frozen in a kiss.

Everything fades to black.

Your life, like a scene from a movie; begins to play.

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