Dear Boy Who Never Deserved Her Anyway,
Let me preface this by saying that I refuse to hate you. Or bash you. Or wish evil curses upon you and your future children (although I was tempted). Because you aren’t worth the energy in my book. You see, as you continued on with your life after damaging her beautiful soul and kindred spirit, her friends were left to pick up the pieces you decided to leave behind. As we do, the more I try and rationalize why you would ever hurt her, let alone leave her. There is no way you could have overlooked her personal motivation and drive. You had to have realized her complete selflessness in ALL of her relationships, including yours. You must have recognized that her smile and laughter is contagious and could capture anyone’s heart. Apparently that wasn’t enough for you.
But again, I refuse to hate you. Because as we hold her in our arms and wipe the tears that she sheds for you, I know that better days are to come. I thank you for this. She may be fragile and broken now because you have been so careless with her heart, but I know that she is an overcomer.
She’s going to recover from this, just like she has before, stronger than ever. You may have left, but she will never be alone. She has so many people who’s lives she has touched, that even when she is down-and-out over you, we will continually love her and support her until she is radiant again. You may be the only thing on her mind right now and she may think that she may never find love again, but I promise you that in a couple of years you will be nothing but a story she tells her daughters about heartache. You will be nothing but another one of life’s many lessons to her, and one day a true man will appreciate all that you so easily overlooked.
When you chose to leave her, you chose to leave someone who isuniquely beautiful, strong, determined, loving, and intelligent with a beautiful future that you will not have the ability to be a part of. I hope you learn from this, just as she will. I’m not saying you wont find someone else, or that she won’t be right for you, but I can guarantee she will not and will never be my best friend. And I consider that to be a true loss on your part.
The Grateful Best Friend of the Temporally Heartbroken