To the boy who broke my heart,
Thank you. Thank you for breaking my heart. Thank you for putting me through hell for months on end. Thank you for leading me on. Because of you, I am now a better, stronger version of me.
When I love someone or something, I love them with every ounce of my being. You were on the receiving side of my love for two long years. I was on the receiving side of your backlash, your anger, your frustration. I gave you every ounce of love I could possibly muster up and in turn, you gave me a broken heart.
Thank you for showing me that I am worth so much more than I thought I was. I put so much time and effort into us, and in return? I ended up broken yet stronger in so many ways.
The type of love I have to offer is hard to come by. I hope you know that you will never find another girl who loved you as much as I did. You will never find someone who cared so much about you. You will never find someone who dropped everything to make sure you were okay and had what you needed.
I know that my love could be overbearing sometimes. I constantly told you I love you, how much you meant to me, and all the things I adored about you. You hated when I did those things. I will never understand how my love and openness scared you off. You hated how I always went to you for advice or to vent. Well, guess what? You won't be hearing from me anymore. Because of you, I now know that I am worth something. I am worth someone's time.