The second I heard about a new show coming out about three young women trying to make it in New York City working at a well-known magazine with their best friends? I was sold. See, as a writer, this is the type of job most of us would kill for. But here's the thing, it seems too easy.
Don't get me wrong, Jane, Sutton, and Kat all are amazing characters but like any TV show, their lives can be a little unrealistic. You can't tell me they all can afford such nice apartments in NYC with assistant/writer salaries. Sure, it's been said that Kat's is partially paid by her parents (by the way, huh?) but Sutton?? Jane??? Where is the money coming from??
Travel times too. Brooklyn to mid-town in 5 minutes? FORGET IT. No way that's happening. Ever. Car, bus, subway, take your pick. Doesn't matter. There's still absolutely no chance. Don't believe me? Try it. Let me know how it goes.
That's typical TV show inaccuracy but the writing part is what really gets me. If I had a dollar for every time Jane has said, "My article is due tonight" and she's at some party or event that I KNOW will last way longer than her deadline, I'd have free college tuition. In what world does writing, editing and submitting take 5 minutes?? Why is she not concerned about deadlines?? It's the most stressful part!
It's also kind of strange how they all started as assistants and made their way up to bigger and better positions (except for Sutton but she's living her dream so we'll leave her alone). I know that's not completely impossible but all of them? At the same time? Seems weird.
Not to mention, there's always so much going on in their personal lives, which yes, does happen, but how do you do manage it all without going crazy? How do you balance work, boys, social life and your best friend's life crises all at once? If anyone knows, hit me up. I'd love to find the answer to that.
Honestly, Jane, Sutton, and Kat have everything going for them. They have their struggles but they all push through and are there for each other in the process. "The Bold Type" is a pretty inspiring show, in that aspect, not only for people like me who can relate to the concept but for all young women just trying to make it. Yea maybe it's not one hundred percent accurate for the average millennial trying to work in the editorial industry but it gives us hope, right?