So, last week I wrote about how I decided to go on a social media break.
This week, I decided to write about my experience thus far.
Day One:
I felt relieved. It felt like I was in another world – the real world. I wrote a lot more in my journal and didn’t feel the need to scroll aimlessly through Twitter or Instagram until my eyelids shut like I normally do. I have to admit, it was weird. I started to notice the times where I usually depend on my phone and social media, such as when I’m waiting in line somewhere or I’m waiting for class to start. Out of habit, I would attempt to click on an app that was no longer on my home screen (or on my phone at all).
Day Two:
The weirdness started to go away. I accomplished multiple items on an incredibly long to-do list, many that were being put off each and every week. It was a really long work day without distractions, and it allowed me to have a day of relaxation. I never really thought about posts of any kind.
Day Three:
This day was more of a challenge, because I usually use social media as a form of de-stressing during a study break (weird, considering social media also stresses me out). However, I found other ways to take a break. For once, I didn’t get lost in social media for hours. The small amount of distance from social media made me realize that time escapes rapidly with social media – one minute it is noon, the next it is 2 P.M. and two hours I could have spent studying are wasted. Later on in the day, I went to an event with my friends and we usually always post pictures – it just automatically happens. I had such a desire to post a picture just like all of my friends, but I told myself I could live without it. And so I did.
Day Four:
Yet another day where I did something somewhat adventurous and wanted to post some cute pictures. Again, I refrained from logging onto my account for “just a second” and decided that posting my pictures later on would not change anything. People do it all the time. Just because you are doing something somewhat fun or interesting, does not mean you have to post about it right away. Reflecting on this day, I spent so much time in the present, in the moment. I listened 110% to what was said to me and became even more aware of my surroundings. I was not worried about getting the “insta-worthy” picture. All I cared about was spending time with those around me.
Day Five:
Okay, I cheated a little bit. I had a somewhat unexpected break after one of my classes and I left my tablet at home, which I unfortunately needed to complete any of my tasks for the day. I creeped some of my favorite Instagram accounts from my CHAARG account. Looking back on this day, it really reflects on how much I depend on social media be entertained or occupied.
Day Six:
I cheated a little bit more, but not as bad as the day before. This day, I realized I was more out of the loop than expected, leaving me to feel somewhat left out. In my opinion, social media is its own little world, but it can really keep you updated on what is going on in the world. Social media is one of the main ways I attempt to keep up on news, or just general things that are going on within my friends and family, along with those in my generation.
Day Seven, Eight, and Nine:
I combined these days together, just because nothing really changed too much. In all honestly, I am somewhat nervous to reinstall certain apps on my phone, so I am coming back slowly but surely. The day after my huge test, I decided to come back to Instagram, and later on that night, I briefly scrolled through Twitter on my tablet. I still have not reinstalled Twitter on my phone, mainly to avoid the aimless scrolling. With the holidays coming up (and hopefully move-in day at my new house!), I really want to continue to be in the present. Overall, I enjoyed living more in the present. I want it to stay that way as much as possible.
I told myself I would take a social media break for a solid week for two reasons. One related to negativity, the other, just as a personal challenge. Granted, I was not disconnected completely. I had to stay connected to Facebook for my work and CHAARG, and I had to stay connected to my inCHAARG Instagram for CHAARG as well. So, while I still got my small dose of social media each day, it was nothing compared to the hours I typically waste every day looking at pointless or negative posts.
This entire break taught me that living in the moment and being present is so incredibly important. Social media will always be there. Not everyone needs to know what you are doing all the time. Focus on the details, pay attention to those around you, and put your time and effort into something worthwhile. Social media is all fun and games, until you step back and reflect.
How much time have you wasted this week?
I encourage everyone that reads this to take a social media break and step back from what can be considered a fantasy world, and step into the real world. The real world can suck at times, but it is pretty beautiful as well. You just have to change your perspective and your mindset.