There have been many moments where I’ve taken for granted the fact that I share an almost identical life with someone, give or take some aspects. The same parents, same household, raised with the same morals, and sometimes too much of the same taste in food (aka stealing each other’s snacks from the fridge).
Unfortunately, some may not be as lucky to experience this type of bond, but for me, I’ve been extremely blessed to grow up with a younger brother who has brought so much greatness, happiness, and laughter into my life.
I must admit, it didn’t always start like this. There were times where I didn’t talk to my brother for days when I was younger and I pretty much became his ultimate bully. BUT I exited that phase and soon realized that there's nothing in life that can come close to the reality and excitement of having a sibling.
There isn’t anyone else on this planet that has seen the worst (very worst) sides of me, the epitome of my natural state, my true happy moments, and experienced the same heart aches that I carry with me to this day, just through a different body.
It’s such a strange concept, that God can give you a human being that was formed from the same two people, but also put you on the earth as two different souls. Very philosophical of me, I know, but it’s so hard to fathom yet so amazing to get to understand through a life span.
What’s even more exciting is that it’s only been sixteen years of having a sibling, and I still have the rest of my life to grow my body guard shield around him even more largely, along with giving him longer lectures, stronger advice, meaner insults, and slowly-not-as-funny jokes that come along with age.
If I were to give any older siblings — like myself — any advice, it’s to stop trying so hard to pretend like you’re in a competition, or that you have some sort of authority over them. Appreciate the blessing that comes along with this addition to your family, your life, and the world that you’re both going to be influencing.
Love ya like no utha, brutha.